❤️After the Sunset💙(Shui)

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Requested by: @Alphafalcon999

I hope this fulfilled ur request! If it did, please say! I had fun writing this! If u have any further requests, tell me!

Shu sighed as he looked himself over in a mirror. He was dressed up in a suit and tie, with dress shoes. "This isn't me...." he shook his head. Shu got picked to do an interview on live tv. It was about what it was like to be a member of the big five. The entire five were going to be there. The albino shook his head and grabbed spryzen and his launcher and headed out the door. He was met with the bored face of Free de Le Hoya. Shu blinked. Why is he here? Then he remembered. Free transferred to the Raging bulls. "Ready?" The young blond asked, staring off into the distance.

Shu smiled. "I am. Are you coming with me? Or are you gonna think about you're life choices?" Free blinked, but didn't say a word. Instead, he just turned around and walked slowly away. Shu sighed. I wonder why you left Free. I'm guessing you're completely oblivious of Valt's massive crush on you! He followed the young blader to the limo that was going to take them to the interviewer. After about an hour of The albino's hopeless attempts at starting a conversation with Free, the driver ignoring them both, and trying to figure out where the hell they were, the two bladers arrived at last.

They got out of the limo and thanked the driver. Then heading to the building. They were immediately met with Chaos. Joshua was running around trying to find the interviewer and the producer of the show, yelling at them about something. Silas was standing in a corner, angrily trying to put his tie on. Shu sighed, and went to try to break up this mess. Free just disappeared off somewhere, Shu didn't really care. "Joshua Stop! Their not going to listen to you!" The albino yelled at the movie star. Joshua just rolled his eyes and went to sit down.

"Ok, you all will be on live television in five minutes!" Shu heard someone yell. "No, you're not doing it right! Silas do you even know how to tie a tie???" He turned around to see Joshua trying to help Silas with his tie, but the other big five member swatted him away, and finally managed to get it tied. Silas looked around, as if he way looking for someone. "Where the hell did the little menace run off to?" He snapped. Shu blinked. "Who?" He asked, looking at the green haired blader. Silas rolled his eyes. "De la Hoya!" He said. "You brought him with you, right?" Shu nodded. "Then where is he?!" "...I'm behind you Silas..." The green haired blader jumped in surprise, he turned around to see Free, standing only inches from him, looking bored. "Where the hell were you??" Silas snapped. Free only blinked slowly. "I was always here....I was just in the shadows...." he said, then looked past Silas at something. Silas rolled his eyes.

Shu smiled. "Free, I don't know why you left. You're team seems fun!" The young blader only nodded in acknowledgment. Shu looked over to his right, and saw a young teen wave them over. "Ok guys! We're on!" Shu began to walk over, Silas, Free and Joshua following him. They all sat down on the couches there. "Ok, 3..2...1! And we're live!" Shu took a deep breath as the interviewer began talking. "I'm here today with the members of the big five! Tell me, how does it feel to be part of something so crucial to the blading world?" The interviewer handed the mic to Shu, and just as he was about to speak, when an all too familiar laughter echoed from the back.

Then, Shu saw him. The slowly moving flaming hair, the violet eyes. Lui Shirosagi. He smirked a wicked grin as he stood beside Shu. "Well, well, welll. Look who actually came. Kurenai!" The young male spat out the last word like it was something gross. Shu groaned. The interviewer blinked, then angled the camera at him. "Lui Shirosagi has gifted us with his appearance!" Lui snorted. "Ya, Ya Whatever!" The flame haired blader snapped. He sat down on a nearby couch, and did a dramatic leg lift as he crossed his legs. "U-uhh...Hello Lui! Would you like to say anything?" Lui Grabbed the mic out of Shu's hand, and for a moment their hands touched. It happened in slow-mo.

Shu could have sworn he could feel everything when Lui held onto his hand and the mic. He felt the violet eyed blader's rapid heartbeat, his every breath. Lui ripped his hand away, and for a split second Shu saw genuine fear in his eyes. The albino suddenly grew very worried for Lui. Something was wrong, he wouldn't show such intense fear if something wasn't. Shu watched the blader closely for the remaining of the show. He knew he was being watched by millions, as this was being broadcasted live. Shu noticed some things. Lui was a bit fidgety. He would constantly look at the clock, then back at the camera. Another thing, his hair. It was still moving in slow small waves. Lui's hair is rarely at that low of intensity.

After half an hour, the show began to wrap up. "Well, That's all the time we have today! Stay tuned for the next bladers we bring up! Have a nice night everyon-" Lui stood up and took the mic from him. "Actually, I'd like to say one more thing...." The interviewer shrugged, but nodded as the camera pointed at Lui. "Shu Kurenai.." Shu blinked in surprise. "What?" He asked, nervous. Lui walked right up to him, stared at him for a moment, then yanked the albino to his feet. Shu gasped. "What the-" Lui glared at him. Then took a deep breath. "Shu Kurenai. You are my biggest rival. And...today.....I'd like to change that." Shu's eye's widened in surprise. "Wha-" "I....Ive always thought you were weak, and not worth my time.." Lui continued. Shu rolled his eyes. "If this is going to be another time where you think you're better than everyone, then I'm not interested!" The albino snapped, turning around and walking away. Before Lui let his heart shatter into a million pieces, he set his hair on full flame, forcing Shu to turn around. "I LOVE YOU SHU!!" He yelled.

The whole world was watching, and in shock. Shu burned bright red. "Wha-What?!" Lui blushed too, then looked down, his hair settling down as a shadow of despair crossed his face. "I-it's true...I-I've loved you since I first met you. I guess you could say it was love at first sight..." He smiled and looked back up, looking at Shu. "I actually struggled with my sexuality for years. I'd convinced myself I was bisexual...But my parents wanted me to be straight...So I tried. But...Then I met you. And I knew I was as straight as a circle! So.." He looked at the camera. "I guess this is how I'm coming out. I've always leaned towards liking guys, but meeting Shu, made me realize. It's true. I am, in fact, Gay..." Lui blinked. Then it hit him. He had just blurted out the one Secret he'd swore to never tell. And said it on live Tv. The young blader's eyes widened, and he took a step back, rasing his hands to his mouth. This was the first time anyone had ever seen Lui, actually terrified.

The poor male started to hyperventilate. Shu instantly ran up to him, and pulled him into a hug. Lui began crying. And Shu realized something horrifying. Lui couldn't breathe. This was the first time he had ever started to hyperventilate. Shu stared in horror as Lui laid his head on his chest, his crying coming in choked gasps. "Hey hey....Take a deep breath....shhhh...." Shu wrapped his arms around Lui's waist and rested his head on his. Lui began to claw at Shu's back. Shu knew this wouldn't work. He quickly pulled the young blader out of the room, leaving the rest of the big five (and the entire world) Confused and worried.

5 minutes had past since Shu had carried Lui out. He tried everything. But nothing worked. Lui began to actually look horrified. His breathing had at least changed to short gasps, and Shu had done his hardest to slow it down. And eventually, it did. Lui began breathing normally again. Shu smiled and hugged him. "That was quite the scare you gave everyone there Lui!" Shu whispered. Lui sighed. "S-Sorry Shu...T-that was the first time I've ever actually hyperventilated....Shu it was scary!" He squeezed Shu harder. Shu smiled, suddenly feeling so full of love for the young male, that he sat back and pulled Lui onto his lap.

They stayed like that for about five minutes. "Hey Lui?" Shu asked. "Ya?" "Was...was what you said up there true?" Lui sighed. "Y-ya..." Shu grinned. "That, was absolutely amazing. And guess what?" Lui sniffed. "What?" ".....I love you too..." Lui smiled and curled up and snuggled closer to Shu. ".....Can we stay like this a little longer? ...Sometimes It feels good to be hugged again." Lui whispered. Shu nodded. "Of Course Lui!" Lui then lightly punched him in the arm. "But tell anyone about this and you're done Kurenai! I have a reputation to uphold!" Shu laughed. "What? Being cocky and arrogant?" Lui snorted, then put on a lusty look and grabbed onto Shu's shirt coller. "No, being dominant~ You, are 110% A submissive~" Shu blushed. Lui giggled, then gave the albino a small kiss on the cheek. And snuggled back up against Shu. "What was that you said about me being the submissive one~" Lui snarled, and glared at Shu. "Don't test me Kurenai!" He snapped.

Shu smiled. "Mhm" The two had been cuddling to the point Lui fell asleep. Shu was happy that he was the special one Lui had picked. Never in a million years had he ever questioned his own sexuality. But, he probably was Gay too. A live Tv confession. I'd expect nothing less from you Lui...You really are perfect...

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