💙🍋Surprise Attack! 🍋❤(Shu x Lui lemon)🔞

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Requested by: @Iloveshipsandlemons   (I think, bestie? I don't even remember anymore lmao)


"Luiiiiii!! Lui, for the love of god, where are you? You have a battle in an hour, you gotta stop disappearing."

Shu sighed in agitation, looking for his flame-haired boyfriend. Lui seemed to have recently developed a bad habit of disappearing right before a battle. Shu had no idea where he ran off to,  why, or even what he was doing. All he knew was that it was starting to get on his nerves.

"LUIIII!! STOP FUCKING DISAPPERING!!" Shu yelled down a hallway. Finding one person in the never-ending hallways and rooms in the Bladers' temporary El Astro dormitory was like finding a needle in a haystack. Shu had to find Lui before anyone else did or they'd be in trouble. No one knew Lui was here yet, and the sharp-toothed blader wanted to make a dramatic entrance, like always.

.....Shu also thought no one would like to see Red Eye right now.

I'm gonna kill him when I find him. Shu thought bitterly. The albino opened yet another sliding door, leading into yet another empty room. Only this time, all the lights were off. 

That's strange, usually the lights are always on.

Shu headed into the room and felt around for the light switch, only to jump out of his skin when he heard the door slide shut behind him. A cold laughter echoed from the space behind him, and Shu felt his soul leave his body. 

A body tackled him to the ground, and Shu shrieked in panic. He kicked and punched at his attacker, but his limbs met air. He was gonna die. Someone was sent to kill him. Did Theodore do it? Was he finally not enough for him? God, what would he tell Lui if he didn't make it- ......Oh.

Shu stopped fighting, letting the other person hold his arms down with their hands. A soft blue glow appeared in front of him, illuminating a familiar face.

"Suprise attack!" Lui said, grinning down at Shu with a look of triumph in his royal purple eyes.

Shu glared at him, a mix of utter disbelief and annoyance in his eyes. 

"Really? I thought I was gonna die! I thought I was going to be the next body on one of those true crime shows! Lui, this is not fun-" 

Shu's sentence was cut off by a pair of lips connecting with his own. Lui's body slumped down onto Shu's, the weight nearly knocking the air out of him. Lui's hands slid down from Shu's arms to rest on the floor underneath them. 

Shu moaned quietly as Lui deepened the kiss into a French kiss. His tongue wrapped around his, making the albino shiver. They stayed like that long enough to make Shu gasp for air when Lui pulled away. He licked the string of saliva off his lower lip and sat up. All of his weight on Shu's hips made him wince.

Lui clapped abruptly, and the lights flickered back on. Shu blinked at him.

"How did you-"

"Magic." Lui interrupted him with a smile. His light-hearted nature was quickly dropped, much to Shu's disappointment. Lui got off of him and stood up.

"Now get up." 

Shu obeyed, or rather, his body obeyed without him deciding to stand up. Lui had that way with people. He could command them, beat them down into submission with just a look. He had that way with Shu, and Shu was happy to comply. 

Lui slid forward, his movements as fluid as a snake. He held onto the edges of Shu's jacket and gazed up at him, lust glowing in his eyes.

"What are you gonna do now?" Shu asked, looking down at Lui.

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