💛🧡❤️Camping and Swimming? What could go wrong! (BC sol ships!) ❤️🧡💛

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(Fralt, Siscuza, wakitaro and Chrisasa!)

Chris smiled as she looked down at the map in her hands again. "Ok guys! We're almost at the campsite! So we'll take a quick break here then we should get there before dark!" Wakiya groaned. "Why am I on the stupid road trip? I could be out training with sunbat!" Silas rolled his eyes. "See this is why I left Sunbat! You're annoying as fuck!" He snapped at the blond. Valt jumped in between the fighting bladers. "Hey hey! We're here to relax and get our minds off blading for 2 weeks! So don't-" Wakiya yelped. "2 WEEKS?! I- that's way too long! I will not sta-"

An agitated grunt stopped the arguing. They turned around to see a very pissed off looking Free, holding a really big backpack on one shoulder. "Who's the one carrying all your stuff huh? Maybe I'll just leave the bag here and u all can fend for yourselves!" He snapped back, his black eyes glowing gold with anger. Silas stopped walking, and turned to face the smaller blader, raw anger glistening in his blue eyes. Free blinked, then closed his eyes. "What the-" Free also stopped, Then when everyone was looking. He slowly put the bag down. "Fine, if you won't listen to me, I'll make you listen..." He opened his eyes again, they were now glowing a bright gold. Free smirked as he spotted a bunch of three-leaved plants.

He walked over to them, Silas following. "Do you know what these are?" Free asked calmly. Silas snorted. "Why should I care? You're the nature freak, not me." Free chuckled unsettlingly. Then, using his banded arm, grabbed a handful of the plants. Valt yelped in terror. He ran to his boyfriend and swiftly knocked the leaves out of his hand. "Free put the poison ivy down!" Silas gasped, and whipped to face Free. "You were trying to poison me?!" Free rolled his eyes. "Do you even know what poison ivy does? It makes you red and itchy. Not actually poison you!" Silas grumbled angrily as he walked off after Chris and the others. "Ya,ya whatever.." Free and Valt exchanged glances, then Valt grabbed the newspaper honcho was reading, rolled it up and violently started hitting Free on the head.

"Don't ever do that again Free!" Valt Yelled. "Ow! Ok ok! Stop!" The young blond began laughing as Valt started tickling him. Chris giggled. "Ok you two! We're here!" Wakiya smiled. "Finally! Now I can sit and relax-" Honcho giggled. "Sorry bro! Not yet, we have to set up the tent, blow up everyone's air mattresses, get the food ready, start a fire, there's a lot to do still Wakiya. Including getting the stadium up." Wakiya groaned. "Fuck all of this I never wanted to come anyways." Cuza rolled his eyes and sped forward. "I call dibs on helping with the tent!" Silas Walked after him. "Must you always be the first to everything? it's annoying."

Chris helped Cuza get the tent up, grumbling about how they should have gotten a camping trailer instead. Free cut down logs for the fire, terrifying Valt with how carelessly he swung around the axe. Shasa and Kit got the food onto the picnic table. Wakiya and honcho were in charge of blowing up the air mattresses. But Silas ended up blowing them up because Wakiya wouldn't stop flirting with the other blond.

It wasn't long before the sun began to set. "Finally we're done!" Cuza said. Shasa smiled. "And the fire is burning! What are we having for dinner?" She looked over at her girlfriend. "Hmm...Burgers and Hotdogs?" Chris suggested. Valt yelped. "YES!!" Everyone got their chairs ready and sat around the fire. Valt blinked. "I didn't bring a chair..." Wakiya groaned. "You're so stupid Valt!" He snapped. "Come here Valt. You can sit on my lap." Free said, reaching out to grab the bluenette's hands. Valt smiled as he settled onto his boyfriend's lap, and watched as Chris put the burgers and hotdogs onto the grate over the fire.

But as Free reached over to grab onto one of the marshmallow rods, the chair buckled underneath the two bladers weight and they tipped backwards. Valt shrieked bloody murder and Free yelped loudly as they landed on top of each other in a mess of flailing arms and legs. Chris jumped and bolted over to them. "Oh my god are you two ok? Is anyone hurt?" Free shook his head and slowly sat up. "We're ok Chris." The blond said, standing up and holding his hand out to Valt to help him up, in which the bluenette took ahold of gratefully. Silas snickered quietly. "Idiots." He whispered to himself. Free, Who heard him, flicked a pickle slice at him and stuck his tongue out. Cuza flicked a slice at Free. Free caught it and ate it, mumbling "Thanks" as he set his chair up again and sat down.

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