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irl & insta !

MJ dealt with the Olivia/Joshua situation one of the only ways she knew how. getting drunk with her friends and pretending everything was okay.

Catie had informed MJ and Charlie that there was a party being thrown and they were invited. Stranger Things was currently being filmed which meant all of the cast were together and whenever they were with each other, they had to do something extravagant.

this also meant they were throwing a party. a small 'get together' of sorts. of course it wasn't small because for some reason they let Noah be in charge of the guest list which turned into way too many random people turning up.

Mary-Jane and Charlie decided to get ready in the Sanders household which MJ was overly excited for. who wouldn't be excited being in the same house as the karate kid and fresh prince of bel air?

"you love my family too much it's weird" Charlie mused and MJ shook her head.

"girl you know the things i'd do to meet DJ Jazzy Jeff?" Charlie rolled her eyes in amusement.

"have you spoke to Catie?"

"i've not but i've seen Noah's posted her on his private story" MJ shrugged.

the blonde was currently applying eyeliner as her best friend looked through her wardrobe. Catie was already at the party, it hadn't started yet but she wanted to be there early to greet the guests. she loved playing host.

the pair knew they'd meet the Stranger Things star at the party along with the rest of the cast. MJ was excited, she had already had a few predrinks making her lightly buzzed. lightly.

"i hope this party is fun, i haven't been out in forever" Charlie added as she started changing.

"it will be, i know it" MJ confirmed. "besides, we've had drinks so we'll be fine, i don't know about anyone else"

"very true" MJ turned to Charlie and her jaw dropped.

"you look amazing! spectacular! beautiful-"

"okay calm down Gaga" Charlie had a small smile but she was never good at taking compliments.

"we have to get pictures straight away" Charlie groaned but MJ dragged her outside to the nice scenery.

"MJ this feels weird, i don't know how to pose" Charlie pouted as MJ ran around taking photos from different angles.

"babe you look amazing, keep doing what you're doing"

"babe you look amazing, keep doing what you're doing"

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"you know we could of walked" Charlie complained as her brother tutted in response.

"not letting anything happen to either of you" Jaden responded. "especially MJ" smirking, he knew exactly how to piss his sister off and it was definitely working. Charlie glared at the teenager however MJ blushed in the backseat.

of course she knew Jaden was doing it to wind his baby sister up but she couldn't help the heat rise to her cheeks. she didn't have any feelings for him but can't deny he's a pretty boy.

"shut the fuck up you're not going near MJ" Jaden only hummed in response, continuing to annoy Charlie.

he did know that Charlie had breaking points so he left the comments at that as they drove in silence.

when they arrived, MJ was surprised as she looked at the venue. it was a rented house the teens had been staying at but it didn't look too crazy from the outside. Mary-Jane knew Noah was in charge so she expected the worst but it looked pretty calm.

"bye Charlie" the siblings done a quick handshake before the two girls exited the car. as they were walking away they heard Jaden shout in their direction.

"bye Mary-Jane" Jaden hollered in a sing-song tone. MJ waved however Charlie stuck her middle finger up in response, amusing her brother and best friend.

every thought Mary-Jane had about the calm party was gone the second she opened the front doors.

teenagers crowded the rooms and hallways, stuck to each other like glue. shoving through the crowd, MJ had lost Charlie and been tackled to the sofa.

worry coursed through her body until she realised who it was. "Mary-Jane it's been too long, i've missed you!" Noah Schnapp. Noah fucking Schnapp was on top of MJ, tightly hugging her.

"holy shit Noah get off me" he moved off her but a large grin stayed. "i've missed you too but my god, you gave me a fright" the younger boys face fell and MJ thought she had done something wrong.

"i'm sorry i just got excited" conversing with Noah was enjoyable as it was mostly him talking and MJ listening.

"so how many people here do you actually know?" the pair looked around the room at the teens hanging around.

"well i knows some of them but i did do something for you" MJ's face scrunched in confusion. "i invited Joshua Bassett and Olivia Rodrigo!" a fake smile made its way onto Mary-Janes face. "you're welcome!"

the night was over before it had started.


i couldn't be bothered writing comments for mj's insta i'm sorry 🧍🏻‍♀️

some one on one mj and charlie content :')

in this story Willows characters pronouns are she/her but i've seen some stuff online that Willow uses they/them but im not sure??? if you know please lmk so i don't misgender them in my ror says paragraphs :)

i imagine maryjane wearing something like this, specifically dark green satin but i've not included a detailed description of her outfit because i thought it would be more fun to let you guys imagine whatever you want!

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i imagine maryjane wearing something like this, specifically dark green satin but i've not included a detailed description of her outfit because i thought it would be more fun to let you guys imagine whatever you want!

the next chapter should hopefully be up in the next few days

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