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irl !

Mary-Jane sent a quick 'i'm here' message to Olivia as she sang along to Stockholm Syndrome by One Direction.

the blonde teenager didn't notice anyone enter her car until the music was turned down to be replaced with a softer voice.

"you didn't have to text me you were outside i could already hear Zayn" Mary-Jane glanced over to see Olivia putting her seatbelt on.

"you're welcome for that. Zayns voice is angelic" Olivia only smiled in return.

the pair sat in the driveway for a few seconds before the silence broke.

"are we gonna sit here all day or what?"

"you're the one who won't tell me where we're going, how can i get us there, stupid?" Olivia pouted, realising MJ was right.

"i'll direct you" Olivia stated, making herself comfortable in the passenger seat. before Mary-Jane could protest she was interrupted. "no, nope you don't get to complain now drive"

Mary-Jane (surprisingly) complied as her old enemy directed her throughout the streets of LA.

"hey let's play twenty one questions" Mary-Jane scoffed in response and shook her head.

"you sound like a fuckboy, Olivia" the brunette only smirked in response. "fine. full name?"

"what a boring question, Blanco, my god" MJ rolled her eyes with a small smirk. "Olivia Isabel Rodrigo. take a left here" Olivia pointed as the blonde turned her blinker on. "how was dance moms?" Mary-Jane only laughed.

"it was... a lot. lots of love, lots of hate. very fucked situation for a kid to be in" the smile faded from Olivias face, noticing the change in her friends face. "it's whatever. what's your favorite Katy Perry song?" Livs face scrunched up at the question. it was unexpected.

"teenage dream" MJ laughed in response. "what?" looking at the older girl, she found it hard to take her eyes off her.

"we should ask Katy Perry where our teenage dreams are"

"yeah, Katy, where my fuckin' teenage dream?"

"this is where you wanted to go?" Mary-Jane Blanco wasn't impressed in the slightest.

Mary-Jane Blanco and Olivia Rodrigo were sat in front of an old mansion. it looked dangerous, MJ would be surprised if it fell apart because of harsh wind. sure, it was pretty but in a fragile way. it was to be admired and preserved, not covered in dirty footprints and mud.

"let's go inside" Olivia was taking her seatbelt off but MJ grabbed her arm.

"Olivia, i don't think this is a good idea" MJ didn't take her eyes off the building as she spoke.

"what? are you a chicken?" Mary-Janes eyes snapped to Olivia who smirked. "don't be a pussy" the eighteen year old slipped a quick 'fuck you' and hopped out of the car.

they entered the castle together and to put it lightly, MJ was amazed.

how the fuck am i supposed to one up this?

it was beautiful inside and she knew it would be hard to find something nicer.

it was filled with old luxuries and high ceilings with chandeliers. the walls were a neutral stone colour, clearly not painted or touched in any way. the preservation was admirable.

Mary-Jane was surprised no one had stolen from here.

"Olivia this is amazing" there was no response causing MJ to pull her eyes away from the building.

Olivia was a little behind, eyes glued to her phone.

"Rodrigo, hello?" raising her voice, the smaller girl quickly looked up. "you alright there?" a quick nod and fast paced walk had the pair standing side by side.

"you like it?" Mary-Jane thought this was a stupid question. how could she not?

"of course i do"

"great. let me show you my favourite part" grabbing MJs hand, Olivia started running as she pulled along her boyfriends best friend.

MJ hadn't seen such a beautiful place that left her awestruck in a long time. the two teenagers sat laughing as they drove home. Olivia was holding MJs phone which was plugged into the aux.

Mary-Jane was blabbering on but stopped when she noticed Olivias mood had faltered and music stopped. "what's wrong?"

"MJ" hearing her name, her head turned to see Joshua Bassett on facetime. he was smiling but his face quickly dropped.

"i thought you were busy" Olivias voice was quiet. "you haven't answered any of my messages because your schedule is packed" it was clear Olivia was hurt and MJ had no idea what to do.

the car was stuck in traffic but she kept her eyes on the road, not wanting to be involved in the call even if it was through her phone.

"my-my schedule is busy. fully booked today" stuttering. first sign of a liar.

"you still have time to call Blanco but not answer my message? all i asked was if you were okay since we haven't spoke since yesterday morning"

"babe it isn't a big deal i swear" Josh sighed. "i didn't know you were with MJ today. where is she?"

"maybe that's because she doesn't cancel on me like you do" MJ flinched at the comment, continuing to keep her mouth shut. "oh and she's next to me"

"do we have to do this now? you always try to make me the bad guy and now you're making a scene in front of Mary-Jane" was MJ hallucinating or was he manipulating her?

"Joshua i didn't mean it like that-"

"leave it, Olivia. Mary-Jane if you can, uh, hear me then text me" MJ didn't reply. she was too scared that the tension would cut her if she her a word slip.

"is that all you have to say?" Josh now realised what Olivia wanted. he wasn't going to give her it so easily.

"i'll text you later or something, Liv. bye" opening her mouth to respond but a noise signalled the call was over and Josh had hung up.

the two sat in silence for what felt like years. in reality it was only a minute, maybe a little longer but Mary-Jane felt like she was choking on the tension.

"you know what he can be like. typical boy" MJ tried to lighten the mood but Olivia wasn't sharing the same mindset.

"no clearly i don't know what my boyfriend is like the way you do" MJ understood why Olivia was upset but it wasn't her fault. she didn't know what to do.

the silence lasted longer this time. the blonde continued to drive around the streets of LA.

"take me home" Olivia whispered without taking her eyes off her hands. letting out a small 'what?' in response, Olivia didn't hesitate to respond. "i said take me home, Mary-Jane" her voice was more demanding and stern this time.

Mary-Jane obliged without another word.


someone make a yelena belova fic pls

sorry about the slow update besties, i've been making bad decisions 😁❗️ #girlboss

happy start, sad end huh? sorry if the chapter title tricked you 😈

i haven't edited this bc i wanted to upload for you guys as soon as i could so if there's a few updates then sorry hehe

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