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irl !

when MJ and Sadie had pulled away they both laughed a little. it was an 'i cant believe we just did that' laugh. when MJ moved back to her spot she noticed most people had gone, specifically Olivia and Josh. the smile she once wore had disappeared as guilt filled her. but it shouldn't, right? kissing someone whilst having feelings for another person was eating at her but she was being silly. Olivia is dating Josh. she doesn't care about what Mary-Jane does and who she kisses.

thinking deeper into their departure, MJ stopped feeling as guilty, realising they were probably getting frisky in a closet somewhere. the thoughts got shaken out of her by Catie.

"you just kissed Sadie!" removing herself from Caties grasp and shook her head.

"it was just a silly game! you on the other hand" a smirk rose to MJ's face as Caties was quick to fall with a pout.

"that was nothing!"

"no, no, mine was a party kiss yours had passion" being called out wasn't something Catie liked and she was quick to cross her arms.

"whatever. i'm over this conversation" turning on her heels and jokingly walking away with her head held high, MJ let her go.

she knew Catie and Charlie had some talking to do and she didn't want to bother them. she smirked a little and left on her own to find a dance partner which ended up being Caleb McLaughlin.


after watching his best friend kiss another girl, he left. nobody noticed, all too entranced in their own conversations or situations to notice Olivia scurry after Josh.

patience wasnt something the boy had a lot of, with MJ kissing someone and hearing his girlfriend - by god did he hate calling Olivia that, following his path he was soon to blow up.

stepping into the bathroom, Olivia shut the door and touched his arm causing him to whip round.

"why are you following me, Olivia? what do you want?" the girl was taken aback by his tone.

"you just uh- seemed upset in there i wanted to comfort you like a good girlfriend" Joshua only laughed at this.

"my god, Olivia, how stupid are you?" her face started to fall with his words. "you're hardly my girlfriend, can you not take a hint? i ignore you all the time why the hell do you still care about me?" Olivia started to stutter out a response. sure she knew how Josh treated her but she pushed it to the back of her mind, trying to focus on the good parts of the relationship.

"i- we're dating of course i care about you. i- i love you, Josh" he only laughed more.

"i don't want you, okay? get that through your head"

"did i do something wrong? because i change if you want me to, i've been thinking about cutting my
hair anyway-"

"i want MJ" this shut Olivia up. "i do not want you, Olivia. i want Mary-Jane fucking Blanco and i cant fucking have her because i know she'd never do because of you" Olivia stayed quiet, if she tried to speak tears would of flooded. not only was she upset Josh admitted to having feelings for another girl but saying 'because of you' what had Olivia done?

"you did this, Olivia Rodrigo. i can never be with Mary-Jane because of you" storming away and shutting the door he muttered 'this is your fucking fault' loud enough she heard.

it was official. Olivia Isobel Rodrigo had just got dumped in the shittiest way possible.

Olivias legs gave out as she dropped to the floor. all she could do was cry. Olivia cried and cried until no more tears came. not knowing how much time had passed, she stood up, using the sink to hold herself up. her face was puffy and red, makeup ruined and hair messy. fixing herself as much as possible, Olivia booked an uber. waiting in the bathroom until it came, she snuck out.

Olivia didn't have to sneak too much as some people had left and others simply didn't care.

getting into her home, Olivias parents were asleep and she was thankful for this. silent, cold tears fell down her face as she shakily changed into pyjamas and wiped all makeup away.

as upset as Olivia felt, she wasn't in the mood to sleep. too much thinking was going on for her to sleep anyway, her brain simply wouldn't allow it.

after the events of the night, Olivia decided to put the rest of the night to good use. she wasn't in the mood to waste anymore time, clearly enough was used on Joshua Bassett.

maybe tonight could be important in the future. song writing inspiration really comes from the weirdest places, doesn't it?


so much just happened holy shittttttttt


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on another note - NUMBER ONE ON MADDIE ZIEGLER BABYYYYY. thank u all!!!! [14/09/21]

another massive thank you for 10k reads!! kiss me mwah, here's a gold star, lovelies ⭐️⭐️

incase you didn't catch on, what happened with MJ happened at the same time as Josh and Livs sitch. none of you are ready for what's coming😮‍💨.

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