Chapter 6

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Y'all might not like me for this chapter but it is what it is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Angela/Angie💜 POW

So me n rain got out the car m went to the food court n she text her friends to tell them we're we were in the mall

Ray went n hugged all her friends n it was like 10 of dem mixed wit girls n boys

When she was telling them hey I seen one person him particular J wit his hand over some girl that I had fought at his "POOL PARTY"

O my bad Angie this is the crew Kell, Rell, Ja'hira,Shi ,Beamer,OG,Ria,Brii,mada, Angelo, J

Hey y'all I'm Angie and i already know who that is

Wassup they all said

How? Rain said

Long story but Anyways we're we going first

Wait wait wait isn't you the bitch who was hugged up wit my nigga Ja'Hira said

Isn't you the bitch who I beat the fuck up n nigga who was on my ass

And J you just gone sit dere n let this bitch talk to me like dat Ja'hira said

What you want me to do beat her up J said

Y'all to messy for me Ria said

Ray let's go I said grabbing her arm

I don't have time for mess my birthday tmr n I'm trying to keep cool before I HAVE TO BEAT SOMEONE ASS AGAIN I said with the last part really loud

What did you say HOE

y'all come on y'all can argue later Ray said

Fr let's go

I was so heated I wanted to just slap someone

So y'all were y'all wanna go first

Wait how bout the girls go except Ja'hira And the boys can go together and we meet up right here n go somewhere all is wanna go sound like a deal

Not shordy telling us we're we should go Beamer said

Right all the guys said

Well I'm the one that invited y'all to come

No you didn't ray did Kell said

Y'all know what I mean

Ok wateva y'all tryna do what lil mama said

Yeah all guys said

Yeah all the Girls said

But wait why my sister can't go wit y'all we don't want ha following around us Rell said

Who your sister I said confused

Ja'hira he said n a duhh tone

Well not to be rude I don't have time going back n forth with a girl who man wants me

Who a girl Ja'hira said

See what I mean it's better if she goes with y'all before I crack her skull

I'm not finna fight her ova no little kid who wants attention obviously 🙄

Girl nobody want chu you just mad cuz my man don't want your ugly ass u look like a pole head ass

Ha ha ha it's funny how I beat your ass n you still talking shit you must want another ass wooping don't chu and bitch if you was so good looking your nigga would have paid for my food at the gas station or gave me his number so think twice before you try and check me sis i said doing the period motion

See you didn't have to say all dat that was so unnecessary J said

Well tell that burnt biscuit looking BITCH to stop playing wit me and maybe non of that would of been said if you kept your HOOD RAT toys n check or never invited me to that POOL PARTY if you knew you have a Girlfriend

I'm done talking to ignorant people

Y'all boys better get you friend and y'all girls better get y'all friend

Who are "FRIEND" not that BITCH all the girls said

Lol my bad seem like nobody like your rachet sister I told to Rell

Not to be rude my sister can get out of hand sometimes but you don't gotta disrespect her Rell said

Disrespect she stay saying shit to me I noticed her when y'all walked n the door but I didn't say nun to she brought it up so that's her ass but anyway I came to shop not to argue

Alright y'all so we gone do what Angie said so there is no arguing we just have a smooth afternoon understood cuz y'all getting out of hand Ray said

So after the mall with all Ray friend we left n went to the parking lot n got n are cars when I was about to get in someone asked if they can speak to me

Who y'all think ask if they can speak to Angie??

How this book so far?

How is y'all day??

What else y'all wanna read about??

How y'all feel about the New "Friends"?

What POW y'all wanna see?

Should I make J n Ja'hira break up?

Should J and Angie work out there differences?

Alr y'all that's enough questions but y'all make sure in chapter 5 y'all use my number All the way at the bottom n contact me

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