Chapter 12: Back Story

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Excuse all mistakes

So y'all this is really not a real real chapter but next chapter 15 is going to be 2 months later so I want to catch y'all up on what y'all gone be missing

So basically Angie is still living Ray n she be is cool with "Da CREW" beside Ja'hira cuz we all know why n Angie leg still be in pain but she is able to walk regular Angie wish so had a man to give her body massages but hey she never found her love

Da CREW is cool with Angie they actually like her they think she is loyal enough rn for their standards but they don't like how she doesn't talk to them about her feelings or past it's really because Angie has no feelings anymore it's like she doesn't feel

She said this personally " when I feel I fear" what she means is when she has a connection or feeling for them they all are never in her life so she hides her feelings because of the fear of losing them she said if "she doesn't feel when it happens she won't care "

But Angie has a job at a bar that all Town go 2 She is really good there she has a shy ness in her bone because she tend to not care anymore

Ray and Angie in on good terms hopefully they stay that way they call eachother Sister or bae some of the friends think they had a lil SEX but they didn't cuz Angie is only for the GUYS

Ray helps Angie with her suicidal thoughts, her Depression, her PTSD, her nightmares, her being paranoid sometimes, sezitures, her stress, the trauma, an even when she talk to her self and all her pain she goes through no one knows Angie's past but Ray cuz she only has a feel for her it grew n Angie try's to push Ray away because she feels as if Ray will leave her n hurt her like everyone else did

Ray keeps saying she will never hurt Angie like that but Angie Doubts it she says everyone fakes there emotions to make her happy but she knows how they really feel

Angie cry's every night but she won't go to therapy because she says it's only going to make her remember the moments she is forgetting or the ones she has already forgot but she is going through a lot she has a lot of stress

Sometimes she has the seizures that she was diagnosed with when her dad rape her she hasn't went through them n so long but the doctor says it's because of all the things she went through n seen her stress level is really high so she tends to get hot n spazz out n her seizures began to trigger

Angie says no one will love her everyone doesn't have love for her she better off Dead like the rest of the family but she doesn't know why god spares her so much

Angie tried to hang her self but her foster mom came n time to free her Angie has scars on her upper thigh on both legs for her cutting her self she had a long scar from her trying to slice her stomach open but her foster mom always came n time to help her she tried to overdose on the pills that help her with her depression but that just made her have a bad seizure but she is still alive because they weren't high pills

So Angie has been through a lot she seen her only family all die n her face except her mom she will never forgive but she is thankful for Ray

Ray is like a big sister Angie never had before


How y'all like this update?

So I know this was sad but I had to dig deport n let y'all know what's tea so when chapter 15 say 2 months later y'all will know

Umm also I'm going to let y'all know everyone's relationship status gimme 15 minutes

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