Chapter 19

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Rain POW💕
Excuse all mistakes
(Y'all I know I been gone a while but i Ben working in my YouTube, and a new book that will be coming soon but here's a little update ❤️)

Arriving at the store they went to the female  isles to pick up 2 clear blue boxes of pregnancy test

Going to the register paying for it they were on there way back home

" I'm scared what if I am pregnant what am I going to do"Rain began to cry

"It's going to be okay I'm going to be here every step of the way if you are " Angie began to coach

Making it home I went to the bathroom peeing on the stick flipping it over setting a timer for 10 minutes waiting on the results to come back

( y'all I have no idea how long you supposed to wait for a pregnancy test 😭😭)

10 minutes later

10 minutes had past and I was so scared to flip it over but I did it anyway flipping it over i seen 2 pink lines indicating that I was indeed pregnant

10 minutes had past and I was so scared to flip it over but I did it anyway flipping it over i seen 2 pink lines indicating that I was indeed pregnant

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One of the lines were faded a little but still visible to see

" so what did Ir say" Angie asked

" I'm- I'm - im pregnant " I been to cry I had so much emotions going through my body

Like what if he said "it's not his" or " I want a DNA test" or " get an abortion "

I didn't know what to think I'm was just so scared I never thought of me of all people getting pregnant

There y'all have it RAIN is pregnant 💕

Is she gonna keep it?


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