The voicemail (A.G.)

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ok so i have noticed that i have been writing A LOT of sad imagines...😅

sorry if you don't like the sad imagines, i just feel that i write better when its sad. 

so tell me if i need to write more happy imagines or sad ones! 😁



me and Aidan have been getting into fights, some were small like who is supposed to unload the dishwasher. but some have been big like Aidan leaving and not coming back home. 

like today...well three days ago. 

i've called him so many times and let so many voicemails idk what to do...


im at this girl's place, abigail...brittany...i don't remember but we do have good sex. 

i do feel bad about leaving y/n by herself for three days but she doesn't want to have sex and i can't date someone who doesn't want sex. i love her but i would love her more if we had sex. whatever. 

she called me like 20 times, texted me 30 times and left 20 voicemails.

UGH y/n shut up. 

  Y/N POV 

i called him one more time, of course he didn't answer. i already packed my things and left a voicemail. 

i went into my car and drove to my bestfriends house. 


i finally got out of the bed and went home. i didn't see y/n so i went on my phone, i saw that i got a new voicemail so i pressed play. 

"Hi Aidan..its me..*sniffs* uh y/n so i wanted to tell you something...*exhales sharply* you come into my life, allow me to love you, give me my time, infection and attention. and then you walk out. you hurts, it isn't fun, i don't know if its fun or not for you people. but...its not for me. i don't like when people come into my life just to mess with what's left of my heart. i don't like how people purposely allow me to love them just so they can break my heart...ugh what am i wouldn't understand bc you THE AIDAN GALLAHGER! *sobs quietly* you are so famous while i'm nothing! you don't know what its like to be worthless. where nothing you do matters! i feel that every DAMN DAY OF MY LIFE!!! i used to be the school joke! DON'T YOU GET IT?! IM NOTHING! i'm a failure...i couldn't even make you happy...i've tried so many times to make you happy. *scream/crys*" voicemail ends 

i dropped the phone. 

'i did this to her...i didn't want to make her feel bad! i didn't know she felt that way...'



my next few imagines will be cute, happy, sweet. 

word count: 453

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