Just the start

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Alex was sitting in a stall tightening up his ACE bandages, fiddling being annoyed and winded. He went to lean back on the stall door having forgotten to lock it he fell through and hit the ground feeling something break. Not only did he just out himself to whoever was in the bathroom with him but he was pretty sure he had just broken a rib. "Alex? Let's get you up" Josh helped Alex to his feet feeling them being stared at. Josh removed his suit jacket and put it over Alex "Let's get you to the residents" Josh says quietly rubbing Alex's back taking him back to the residents. "First lady" Josh lowers his head as did Alex "Josh, Alex? What's wrong guys" Abby looks at them how they were acting, they looked like kids whos hands were caught in the cookie jar. "Alex, had an-" Josh was trying to explain and Abby put her hand up, it's not that she didn't trust Josh it's that she wanted to hear it from her son "Alex tell me" "I was fixing my binding" "I told you to wear the binder" "It was dirty, anyway I was fixing it and fell out of the stall" Alex looks up feeling like he was in trouble "Josh can you leave us" Abby sighs softly and Josh nods taking his jacket and leaving.

"Alex, I have to look at your ribs honey" Abby slowly took the ACE bandages off as Jed walked "Alex are you ok? Josh told me you fell" Jed was worried his back turned to Alex and Abby so she could look at their son's ribs, she gently checked hearing Alex go "Ow" made her figure out what was wrong "It's not broken it's just bruised. Be more careful honey, wear the binder we can get you more" She hugs Alex gently "Go get changed" she sighs watching Alex leave to his room. "Is he ok" "Jed, it's just bruised. Don't worry, I'm glad Josh was in there...who knows what could have happened" Abby stand up grabbing her go bag. "Where are you off to?" "Cincinnati" "When will you be back?" "A few days"

Alex pulled his binder on and got dressed slipping out the residents and headed to Sam's office. He pulled his hood up, leaning against a wall closing eyes hearing a few reporters talk "Alex Bartlet is transgender" "Where did you hear that?" "I saw it in the bathroom" "Really?" "Yeah, ACE bandages" Alex bolted to Sam's office tears in his eyes he sat on Sam's couch pulling his knees to his chest and hiding his face "I'm out, I'm out" he mumbles as Sam walks into his office closing the door. "Alex" Sam sits down next him "What's wrong? What happened?" "I outed myself on accident"
Sam pulls Alex into a hug "Shhhh, it'll be alright. I promise" Sam rubs Alex's back gently as he held him "It's okay, I'm right here" Sam says calmly hearing his door open "Al?...." It was Josh, he closed the door and kneels down in front of Alex. "Hey buddy... everything will be okay" Josh soothes him as did Sam. "You think so?" Alex looks up "Oh yeah, I believe it" Josh smiles "Thanks guys"

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