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Renee's POV

Mmm weird... I really thought he already told us he doesn't like anyone. Why does everyone keep nagging him on to tell us something he doesn't have the answer to...

"Groffsauce, Truth or Dare?" Lin finally asked.

"Dare." He said, in a king accent.

"Wear a dress for the whole game long." Lin stated, satisfied.

The whole room started laughing hysterically, clenching their stomachs and rolling on the floor. I had to keep myself up. My jaws started to hurt from al the laughing.

"If you say so." Jonathan broke off still with a smile on his face.

He stood up.

"Hey girls? Any of you maybe got a dress? Not like i could get one out of my suitcase or anything."

"Sure yeah I got a red dress." Jasmine told him standing up and clapping her hands.

"And I got a blue one." Said Pippa also standing up.

"Yeah I don't have a dress but I'm coming with to help you guys choose between them." I shrugged, smiling.

We walked over the guys and went toward the stairs.

"Goodluck!" We heard Chris yell.

We walked into the dressing room while Pippa and Jazzy went and searched for their dresses.

"Ok Jonathan I got this."
Pippa stood up from her bag and held out a light blue dress with little flower patterns on. It had straps and was a little tight but not that much.

 It had straps and was a little tight but not that much

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(A/N: Ok this but a little longer)

"Mmm I like it!" He popped.

"And then there's this one."
Jazzy held a ruby red dress that had thin- thick sleeves and a little bit looser than Pippa's dress.

" Jazzy held a ruby red dress that had thin- thick sleeves and a little bit looser than Pippa's dress

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(A/N: Ok this but the sleeves should be a little more thick)

"Oh my goodness! Its so hard to choose!"

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