Chapter 4 ( Will he be okay?!)

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Katsuki POV}
It's been about a good month that deku's been living with me and Shark face. I've honestly never been happier, and to be honest before him I would get pretty lonely. It feels nice to finally have another warm pelt to sleep against. I haven't had that since I was separated from my mom and my siblings. That was when I started living with Shitty Hair. You know what I've noticed? Deku has started to act a little bit different and smell different too. He's stopped emitting that lovely pup scent and has started to develop his own unique scent. And it smells really good, it makes me horny sometimes. I really want to breed him, but he doesn't seem ready yet. We've only over pleasured our selves my dry humping, blow jobs, or I'll tease his hole till he cums. He's gotten a tad bigger then what size he used to be, but his still so small he can fit underneath me standing up. I personally think it's cute, because I love being possessive of my Deku. He's the perfect size for when he cuddle in our bed. What's good s shitty hair's really infatuated with our relationship. He told me he thinks we look cute together, not that I care. But, it still feels nice to know he's okay with us being together.
But, little did our doggy couple know what would happen next.......
3rd Person POV.
It's just past 5:00 am and everyone is asleep. Well, everyone accept our little Deku. He's was naturally cuddled up to his mate, sound asleep when he felt a shocking pierce of pain ride up his back.
*What the frick was that?!*
Izuku thought with alarm. A good ten minutes had gone by, and the small dog thought that maybe a drink of water would do him some good and slowly got up from the warmth of his comfy bed and sleeping mate. He comfortably stretched out his back paws with a small yawn. He slowly trotted over to the shared water bowl, taking a few laps before he decided to go back to sleep. But, just as he was approaching that bed he felt a flash of heat flow through his body. Suddenly heating his up, from head to toe. This caused the greenete to fall on his side in a panting heap,
*W-why is t-this h-happen-*
But his thought was cute off by the sudden cramp that formed in his lower abdomen. The small dog winced in pain, he couldn't move. Warmth and pain were flowing through his, clouding his thoughts and causing hip to start whimpering. Until a new sensation started. He felt himself begin to feel wet, in his private areas. His mind could only think of one thing, Kachan.
"K-kachan h-help, please."
He managed to wimper, before his mind was clouded and he was left a painful, panting heap.
*The fuck?*
Katsuki thought with confusion,
"Where's all that fucking racket coming from?"
He asked groggily, when he looked and saw him. Only a few paws toes away was his mate, lying there an whimpering for him.
"D-deku? DEKU!!"
He yelled in alarm,
"Deku! Are you okay, what's happened to you?!"
"K-kachan, it hurts!"
Deku weakly replied, another wave of uncomfortable heat flowing thought him, causing him to whimper.
*Shitty hair! *
The blond dog thought,
*I need to get shitty hair and find what the hell happened to deku!*
Kastuki ran as fast as he could to his owners bedroom, almost sliding into the door and he came to a fast stop in front of it. He started immediately scratching and kicking against the door, yelling
After a good couple minutes of the non-stop thunderous barks the red haired owner had to see what the ruckus was about,
"Kastuki, dude. It's 5:00 am on a Saturday. What's the problem."
Kirishima asked, rubbing his eyes. The blonde mutt immediate got behind him and started shoving him towards the pained greenete.
"Woah dude, what are you doing?"
Kirishima asked in confusion.
"Oh! Do you want me to follow you?"
Kastuki barked in agreement, pulling the red head by the shirt as fast as he could.
"Woah dude, slow dow-!"
But Kirishima cut himself off, as he saw Kastuki go over and gently nudge the small green pelt on the floor only to get the response of a small pained howl.
"Holy shit! Deku!"
Kirishima realized that Kastuki was trying to help the green dog on the floor and immediately took action. He had one of his good friends, Mina Ashido on speed dial. What's better is she's a Vet and could take a look at his dog. He dialed her number and put her on speaker while quickly preparing the kennel for Deku.
"BBbbbrrrriiinnnggg, BBbbbbrriiingg, BBrrrriinggg, Hey! What's up Kiri!"
The familiar voice answered.
"Hey umm, Mina? Gurl, I love you but, I have a bit of a problem."
"Aww, I love you too Kiri babe! But, tell me! What's wrong?"
" So, Katsuki woke me up this morning. He was barking a lot louder and longer then usual. So he ended up dragging me the living room and I found Deku on the floor! He was panting and whimpering, Mina I don't know what to do!!"
"Okay, Okay, Okay. Kiri, Babe you gotta calm down. I know you love your dogs, just bring him to me and I'll take care of him! And before you ask, I'll leave the door to my office open. Just bring him here already."
"Oh thank you so much Mina, see you in 10 minutes!"
"Seeya Kiri!"
She exclaimed before they hung up and Kirishima carefully placed the small dog in the crate and was bout to leave when, a pair of jaws tugged on his leg. Katsuki had heard the whole converstaion and had his leash in his mouth, he growled at the red head. Giving him the message that he wasn't leaving unless he was going too.
"You better behave Kastuki!"
Kirishima replied, too rushed to argue as he attatched the leash to his collar and they were out.

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