Chapter 7 (Pregnant)

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Hey! I'm Katsuki and the proud, soon-to-be father of a whole litter of 4 pups. I have been so fucking happy ever since the day we found out, and confirmed that I had indeed gotten Deku pregnant! That day I still remember vividly, although the start of it isn't the greatest..
I awoke to a weird sound coming from the kitchen. I stood up and stretched, about to lean down and wake up Deku. But, I realized soon enough that he wasn't there. I ended up trotting towards the sound. I felt worry and a bit of excitement wash over me as I was held with the scene of my mate emptying his stomach onto the dining room floor. It wasn't at all a fucking pretty sight, but I was excited because this is the first sign that Deku may be carrying pups!
"It's alright, just let it all out."
I said, brushing my tail over his back, hoping to give him some form of comfort. Once he finished he was panting and shaking, trying to catch his breathe.
"K-kachan, I-I'm s-scared."
He whimpered to me, burying his face into my chest.
I just released some claiming pheromones around him, hoping that would calm him for the times being.
End of Flash-back
Right now, I feel a sense of giddiness whenever I'm around Deku. Especially since, as of today he's at a good 5 weeks of pregnancy. What I'm loving the most though, is the fact that he's already starting to grow a bump. I know it's a bit early but, he's carrying 4 of my pups. And who knows just how big they'll make him by the end of his pregnancy, him being way smaller then me. I felt myself still so lost in thought that I didn't realize that deku was trying to get my attention. I snapped out of it and my tail started wagging slightly, as soon as I layed eyes on him. You coudn't really see his bump, just by looking at him because of him and his long ass fur. But, you can feel it underneath his fur.
Deku whined to me.
"What's wrong baby?"
"I-I want cuddles."
He pouted, his ears slightly down with embarrassment and the fur on his cheeks now dusted a light pink.
I just chuckled, walking towards him and grabbing him by the scruff gently. He squeaked in surprise then calmed down when I put him down in one of my favorite napping spots I hadn't shown him yet, his plush fur bouncing as he softly hit the ground. Immediately, he stretched himself out like a cat. I decided to do the same, laying next to him as he scoot his back into my chest fluff. There, I had the perfect and cutest view of him I had ever gotten. His small bump was visible on his side, the round belly poking from out the lush fur. He then let out a satisfied sigh,
"What's with the sigh?"
I asked, a small smile pricking my cheeks
"Just, the cold floor feels so nice against my pelt. Ever since I started to show and my scent changed I always feel hot, probably the pups warming up my normal body temperature."
"Or, maybe your heat's coming back?"
I joked. I just chuckled as I saw him struggle to sit up, him baring his small fangs, the pup bump getting in the way.
"Having a little trouble there Deku?"
I said smirking,
He eventually gave up and laid his head back down, his curly fur bouncing a bit at the subtle impact.
"He eventually just turned around, batting his small back legs against my muzzle. I ended up pawing the small legs away and softly pinning him on his back, exposing the bump even more. I felt a flutter in my chest as I rested my head on the warm fury flesh. He giggled as I started licking his soft belly, as a warm gesture.
"K-kachan, s-stop t-that tickles!"
Deku mewled as through his laughs,
Eventually I stopped, giving him a breather and nestling my head in between his legs and on top of his bump, gently.
We just started talking, about names and other stuff and eventually he fell asleep. His soft snores and milky scent filled my senses, calming me until I fell asleep right next to him.

About a good 2 hrs later..
I don't know how long I've been sleeping but I just woke up. And I looked to my side to check on Deku and my eyes widened.
He was still laying on his back and panting softly.
"D-deku, what's wrong?!"
I exclaimed worried, well until I eventually looked down and saw his small member erected, and I was blasted with a strong arousal scent mixed with his pregnancy scent.
"I-I d-don't k-k-know why b-but I w-want to c-cum r-really b-bad kachan."
Deku whined, as he stood up and buried is face into me,
"I-it f-feels like I'm i-in heat b-but with no p-pain."
I felt my face flush a bit,
"The fuck?"
I said, then remembering a sliver of what that weird ass pink doctor said when we confirmed the pups,
Mina: "Deku might experience something called, a pleasure moment."
Kiri: "Pleasure moment?"
Mina: "it's basically pregnancy horny, but the thing is it's completely random and gets worse as the pregnancy nears its end."
~End of flashback
Oh shit! I thought, he's having one of those pleasure moment things. Damn it seems intense, I thought with my face flushed even harder as he was now panting a bit harder.
"K-Kachan I-I n-need to r-r-release, p-please."
Then he got into the position I couldn't resist, he plopped himself down on our bed and faced his ass towards me.
"K-Kachan please, I-I c-cant th-think straight."
He whimpered. That was it, his whimpers and his state has pushed my limits.
"Tell alpha what you want omega."
I said seductively,
"Ask and you will receive"
He laid there just panting for a second and then whimpered,
"I-I w-want to r-release a-alpha."
And he lifted his tail to reveal his dripping heat and giving me easy access to him. I licked my lips hungrily, pinning him softly against our pillow like bed and started leaving love bites all over him. Sinking my teeth into the soft flesh as soft mewls escaped him.
I heard him mewl and I started to make my way down to his sensitive belly. I knew of course not to be rough with him but, I'm going to pleasure him. I just gave some soft licks on his bump, before moving down to his member. I lapped at the tip, teasing him until he mewled,
"~K-Kachan!~Ahhh~ gonna c-cum~!"
And I stopped, wanting to give him the full experience. As expected he whimpered painfully, I know I hate when that happens but you'll so much better in a minute baby. I thought with a grin,
"K-Kachan, it hurt, please."
He cried tears already forming in his eyes.
"Don't you worry baby, I'm just getting started."
I said before gently flipping him on his stomach, but making him stick his ass up so that he wouldn't put all of his weight on his bump.
"W-what are y-you t-t-at-talking a-ab-~Ngha!!~Oh K-Kachan!~Mmm~"
He started but was cut of by my tongue's sudden entrance to his eager heat. Not only was he enjoying it, but I was too. He was dripping so much slick that all was filling my senses was the scent of him, his milky pregnancy scent mixed with his arousal was pure heaven. After a few more minutes of playing with him, I new he really wanted it. He was all sweaty and his eyes were in tear filled slits and his muzzle was buried into our bed, along with his paws.
Cried out.
"Ok baby, I'm going to make you feel so good that your legs will feel numb tomorow."
He didn't even respond, he was just whimpering. I unexpectedly and quickly stuck my tongue all the way inside him, stretching out his small hole just enough to get him off. I stuck in all the way in and out very fast as he moaned, digging his nails into our bed.
He moaned, pleasurable tears rolling down his face. He eventually moaned,
"~Ahhh!~ K-Kachan!~G-g-gonna~Mmmm~G-gonna~gonna c-cum~!!"
I went as fast as I could, lapping at every bit of slick and sucking on his twitching hole, until he moaned loudly with his whole body trembling, he cummed.
"~AAAaaah!~ c-cumming!~k-kachan!"
As he spurted his clear liquid all over the ground, moaning as he road out the release. He soon flopped on his side, totally exhausted from the stimulation.

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