The Truth?

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       There's a knock on the bedroom door as (Y/N) is woken up. It seems she had accidentally fallen asleep for a couple hours. She slowly opens her eyes and leans up. "Who is it?" She asks softly.

       "It's Fishlegs." The person on the other side of the door answers.

       It goes silent for a second before (Y/N) answers. "Come in."

Fishlegs opens the door and looks at her. She's just hugging her legs and won't make eye contact with him. "I- I'm sorry, you know, for earlier." He looks down. "I didn't mean to upset you." Fishlegs apologizes.

"No, it's my fault. I shouldn't let myself get so angry sometimes." (Y/N) responds. It's silent for another second before Fishlegs speaks again. "You know the way you reacted earlier... it makes me feel like you're hiding something."

(Y/N)'s eyes widen in worry.

"I just, you know, I feel like everything has been going well between us. You've been starting to kind of feel like a sister I never had." Fishlegs smiles before continuing. "But to trust you, we really need to discuss what happened earlier." His expression turns serious once again. "It doesn't have to be right now, but sometime later today or tomorrow would be great."

(Y/N) looks up and finally makes eye contact with him. Her thoughts in her mind start running as she stares at him. There's no way she can tell him the truth... But if she doesn't tell him, only bad things will happen... Instead of blatantly lying, she will just tell fragments of the truth.

"Actually Fishlegs, I can talk about it right now, if you have the time." She looks at him almost desperately. He looks at her a little shocked. "Y-Yeah, that sounds good."

Fishlegs heads back into the common area as (Y/N) stands up to stretch, following behind him. They both sit down at a table, facing each-other.

"Alright so, why did you lash out on Hiccup this morning? What is it that you're not telling me? Does it have to do with your fear of dragons?" Fishlegs asks to begin the conversation.

That word, "fear". It was only partly true.

"Back home, it was just me and my father under a roof. No siblings, and... no mother." (Y/N) says hesitantly. "My mother was killed by a dragon when I was only four years old." This was all true. "We still have dragon raids all the time on my island, so I'm not used to the whole "dragons are our friends" thing." She says as she takes a drink of water from a cup on the table. "But, ever since the death of my mother, I've been absolutely terrified of all dragons." There was the lie. "Every time I look into the eye of one, I still hear her scream." She ends off with more truth. The only part (Y/N) left out is that her mother was killed by a monstrous nightmare.

"Wow... (Y/N) I-I didn't know..." Fishlegs stutters. "I didn't know you had such a tragic backstory behind that strong face." He says, trying to lighten to mood a bit.

       (Y/N) smiles. She feels like a terrible person for not telling the whole truth, but she knows it's better that way.

       "Well I'm really glad you told me. I know that must've been really hard for you, but I appreciate your honesty." Fishlegs says before standing from his seat. Wow he's really making her feel guilty now. "I won't tell anyone, but I suggest maybe apologizing to Hiccup."

       "Oh don't worry, I was planning on it." (Y/N) immediately responds. "So what's for dinner?" She asks to change the subject.

       "You're already hungry again?" Fishlegs asks while laughing. "Why don't you have Eret get you dinner, I bet he'd love that." He teases.

       "Wow, low blow." (Y/N) laughs in response. "That actually might be an idea. He was flirty but we had a pretty nice conversation earlier. I wouldn't mind talking to him a bit more." She thinks out loud.

       "Ooooh, does someone have a crush?" Fishlegs bats his eyes tauntingly.

       "As if." (Y/N) chuckles. "I've only just met the guy today." She takes another swig of water. "Besides, he could end up being super annoying and I wouldn't know."

"Yeah you'll find that, just most likely not with Eret." Fishlegs comments.

"What, do you mean with Snotlout?" (Y/N) asks.

Fishlegs nods.

"Okay a few people have warned me about him already but I honestly don't get it. Earlier today when I saw him he seemed fine. We didn't have that long of a conversation but I enjoyed his presence for the short time that it was. People seem to think he's dumb or something but you know, sometimes dumb is cute." (Y/N) finishes.

Fishlegs' mouth drops open.

(Y/N) realizes what she just did. "I mean uh- I- uh" She stutters.

"So someone does have a crush." Fishlegs smirks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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