Chapter One

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They say your wish come true upon seeing a shooting star, and he believed it, but that was when he was five. Now, at ten, he knows that it's yet another spaceship passing by.

It doesn't change anything, his friend Yesung would say, as they sit together in the open field. If it would matter much, then humans saw it as a chance to escape from Earth, looking for a better life. But if you ask him, other planets don't value humans and would treat them as an inferior race compared to themselves, but he doesn't know that for sure, he's still ten, and he can only hear the social workers whispers. With a blink at the sky, he wonders if he would be one of the humans who would leave Earth as well.

"That's why you shouldn't finish your homework too quickly," Yesung sighs. "You think too much."

He turns to his friend, all grown up with fifteen years of age. "Don't you too?"

Yesung turns to him, and in the evening light, his expressions are a bit shadowed, but he can see the tight lips as he takes a deep inhale of breath. "I think about other things."

"Such as?"

"Things you're not gonna understand," Yesung turns his head away again, and it leaves his friend to stare at the sky once more. "C'mon," he stands up and dusts off his pants. "Amanda is going to kill me if I didn't bring you back. It's already nearing midnight." With a sad sigh, he stands up as well and they start to walk back to the orphanage. He gets to enjoy Yesung's company for another three years though before he decides on which path he would take after graduation. It's a couple more steps before he hears someone's voice near them and he frowns as he stops. "Jinki?" Yesung calls with furrowed brows, but he hears it again, like a child playing around.

"Hold on. I think I hear a child's voice."

"A child?" Yesung's brows furrow deeper. "In this hour of the night?" Jinki takes careful steps towards the voice, and it's where the trees start at the edge where the voice is coming from. "Jinki!" Yesung groans and hurries towards him. It's right when they get to the edge, a child indeed emerges from within, bright big eyes and light grey hair that shines like silver in the moonlight. "What the-"

"Hi!" The child smiles widely at them, "I'm Taemin!" But Jinki is still processing the odd hair color.

"Where are your parents, kid?" Yesung asks from beside him, and the kid, Taemin, who Jinki believes is too young judging from his tiny body, looks up at Yesung with blinking eyes, not fully comprehending the question. "Did you come here alone? Are you lost?"

Taemin's smile turns to an adorable frown as he cutely scratches the top of his head. "I don't know."

"The fuck?" Yesung whispers next to him, but in the quiet place around them, Taemin catches up and hears it, but still doesn't understand. Yesung takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a moment before crouching down. "How old are you?"

Taemin smiles widely again. "Today, I'll be six!" Yesung drags his hands over his face, and when he doesn't say anything, Taemin's attention switches to Jinki. "Hi! I'm Taemin!" He waves his little hand, and Jinki blinks at him before offering a small smile of his own.

"I'm Jinki." Taemin's lips mumble the name quietly, like he's trying to memorize it, and Jinki wonders if he forgets things all the time and this is why he's here.

"Do you know where you live?" Yesung asks, but receives blinking eyes only from Taemin.

"Shouldn't we take him with us?" Jinki turns to Yesung.

"He doesn't look homeless," Yesung comments, staring at Taemin's fresh skin, brushed hair, and clean clothes.

"The social workers will know what to do."

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