Chapter 10

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A TFP FanFic


Previously on New Beginning;

"Rafael, could you set up a secure comm link?"

"Of course."

We waited anxiously for the call to go through.


"Hello, Knockout. "

And so it continues...

Snowhunter's POV

I heard his voice crack as he called Breakdown.

"I -it's Snowhunter!" He exclaims happily, I heard Breakdown crashing through med bay.

"SNOWHUNTER!! Snow! Where are you Snow? Are you safe? Are they making you stay? They didn't hurt you did they, I'll end them all if they dare to-"

"No Daddy, I'm fine and i chose to stay with them because of Megatron. I-I just could bond with him, he was always like a grandfather. I'm sorry."

There was a deafening silence. Then finally Breakdown's reply came.

"I should of known you'd never let them force you into their ranks. -sigh- although we wish you'd come home, we also respect your choice, just... just promise to stay safe. OK, sweetspark?"

"Well dads, I kind of needed to talk to you about something kind of important." I had no idea how they would react.

"What is it, Snow?" Knockout prompted.

"Well, I had a vision..." I could help but trail off as I remembered the horrific sight of the vision. I took a shaky breath to steady myself. "In the vision Arachnid came back and she... she attacked you guys as revenge against Megatron..." I felt Bumblebee come to my side to help calm me.

"What did she do Snow?" How I missed Breakdown's stern voice.

"She killed you daddy..." I choked out. I heard Knockout gasp, while Breakdown just fell silent.

"I thought she'd be back," He whispered. "Do you know when?" He asked.

"No, that's why I must ask you both to come here... with me so we can be our family again." Everyone fell silent again. Primus I hate silence. I thought while I waited.

"We'll come." I was about about to yell and jump around excitedly when I heard crashing and things being thrown.


"LOR-" I heard Breakdown start be he was silenced quickly. Then the silence of the call being disconnected. I stood there, my mouth hanging open. I felt Bee grab my shoulders as dropped to my knees in pure horror. We have to go NOW! I screamed in my mind. Then blackness crashed into me as I faintly heard Ratchet and Optimus hurry to where we were. Go now don't worry about me just... g-go...

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