episode one

35 6 15

"i'm your host, chris mclean, and i'd like to welcome you to an all new season of total drama island!" the middle aged host flashed a shiny smile towards the camera pointed directly in front of him, an earpiece buzzing in his ear. "we have a bunch of brand new campers, 14 to be exact, ready to compete to win one million dollars!"

across the dock and farther out into the water, the light humming of an approaching boat could be heard, prompting chris to begin his introductions. "and just in time, our first contestant is approaching the island!" the familiar white and orange speed boat pulled up to the dock long enough for a short boy to hop out with their suitcases before speeding away.

the cameras quickly angled themselves to get the best shots of the boy; their dark brown hair with blonde streaks paired with his pale skin all highlighted onto the multiple screens poised at him. "everyone, welcome logan to the island!" chris grinned as logan walked towards the sandier area where the host was standing.

"hey! i'm logan- did i get scammed?" he asked, taking in the camp that stood before him. "whaat? why would you say such a thing?" chris feigned innocence, a look that gave him all the assets that a serial killer might adopt. "heh. got it," logan chuckled, casting a bewildered glance towards the camera as chris turned around to introduce the next camper.

another short camper stepped off the boat, though this one with a visibly more muscular build. she had dark brown hair with an ash brown streak pushed back into a ponytail, tied back with a piece of nylon rope, her bangs loosely blowing across her face. she was peppered with freckles, which the cameras devoured as she began trotting off the dock to stand next to logan. "hey," she offered to the both of them before standing silently, waiting for chris to speak.

"and this would be camper number two, otherwise known as valerie!" the host gestured towards the girl who wove at the camera. "sup," she said, this time looking directly at everyone watching on their screens. "now, coming at us hot, is karen!" chris said, just as another girl stepped onto the docks, her dark green suitcase trailing behind her. she wore her long, blonde hair in a high ponytail, her brown eyes sizing up the two campers that stood before her.

"okay everyone, listen up!" karen started, half speaking to the cameras, half speaking to her competitors in front of her. "i came here to win, and i will bite all of your heads off if you get in my way! so, don't get in my way." the blonde then smiled at the cameras before moving her bags to stand next to the other campers, not noticing the way both logan and valeria shifted away from her. "yikes!" chris made a face at the camera. "that was some introduction. coming up right now, we have an actual prince! please welcome harry the third!"

"i'm not a prince," the slinky pale boy muttered as he stepped off the boat. harry had inky black hair, a stark contrast against his ghostly skin, his eyes were narrowed as he scanned the campgrounds. he had a slight accent as he spoke, his hand raising the rub his temples as if he already had a headache from simply being there. "my father's a duke." chris rolled his eyes at the camera, pointing to harry and then pointing a finger towards his head and swirling it around, as if harry were crazy. "potato, po-ta-to, we've got royalty this season. ratings gold!"

karen raised her hand, eyeing harry who was walking towards the sandy patch where they were all standing. "karen, yes?" chris called on her whilst his earpiece screamed in his ear. "will he get special privileges because his father is a so called 'duke'?" the host's eyes were on the horizon as he waved karen's question off. "no, no advantages for anyone unless you win them! but more on that later. in fact, here comes our next camper, james!"

a taller boy with spiky red hair and tanned skin stood awkwardly on the dock, looking at chris in bewilderment. "um, actually chris, my name is newt." chris scoffed, looking back at his cards for a split second. "no no, here it says your name is james."  "but it's not." the host grumbled before taking a pen out from his pocket and crossing out the name on the card before writing newt. "there, it says newt now. like a frog. are you happy?" newt shrugged and smiled. "this place looks just like the island from moana!" he said before moving towards the other campers.

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