episode two

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the campers stalked off in one general direction, some campers feeling uneasy while others were basically springing in their steps. "what do you think our first challenge will be?" anastasia, one of the bouncier competitors, grinned towards valerie. valerie blew her dark bangs out of her face and shrugged. "no idea. all i know's that chris is fucking psycotic." "what about you?" anastasia said to lauren who was just about to pass them. "hmm?" "what do you think our first challenge will be?" anastasia repeated, her grey eyes sparkling.

"uhm, i don't know. maybe one of those cliff challenges?" that sentence caught the attention of brooklyn, who at the moment was struggling to find a sandy patch to step on. "god, i hope not! i'm on a heavy diet that completely cuts back on all carbs. hmm, how do i let the chef know? there should be an assistant somewhere, right?"

"yeah, because there are people waiting to serve you on a competition," millie said while passing brooklyn. "ugh! i already hate it here," she grumbled to nobody in particular, though emika heard her. "c'mon, it's the first day! you never know what could happen." brooklyn paused for a moment before sizing emika up and blinking. "i don't need your fake optimism, i need to get off this island!"

emika simply stared at brooklyn before walking away. "yeah, walk away!" brooklyn called after her. "and while you're at it, see if you can send an intern or producer back over here! these shoe's weren't made for walking through dirt!"

* * * * *

emika: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. this might be harder than i thought.

brooklyn: yeah, no thank you overly nice girl who probably has insecurities over how other people perceive them and want to be america's sweetheart. your not gonna get views by playing with me!

* * * * *

"hey quinton," brandon nudged the mousy boy who strided next to him. "salutations. brandon. do you need something?" brandon flashed a cheeky smile towards quinton, who failed to mimic his excited expression. "wanna race the rest of the way back to our cabin?" quinton scoffed, rolling his eyes. "no thanks." brandon's smile faltered a bit as he turned to newt, who was walking a little bit behind him. "you up for a sprint back?"

"i'm okay," newt said, rubbing his neck awkwardly. "man," brandon grumbled. he began to bring himself to a fast jog. "yall got me running all by myself." karen was walking briskly, harry walking near her. "we need to walk faster! we never know what is and isn't a challenge, and who will and won't get rewards!" harry didn't respond to the blonde, irritating karen slightly. "you don't talk much, do you? well that better not put our team at a disadvantage."

"c'mon karen, take it easy." charles walked up towards karen, his strides putting him side by side to karen. "we've been here for less than an hour, there's no way our challenge is gonna include being the first to our cabins." just then, the speakers placed around the island crackled to life.

"campers! the team that arrives to their cabin first wins an advantage in the first challenge!"

karen and charle's eyes made eye contact for a split second, karen's eyes gleaming with an obvious yet silent message; i told you so. and then karen bolted, everyone else doing the same. even brooklyn began to run, mostly because she didn't want to be the only one walking. brandon, who had already arrived at the cabins was met by chris and chef. "i thought we had time before our first challenge," he panted slightly.

"yeah no, that's still the case," chris replied. "but we have important and not at all cryptic news to share with everyone." brandon's eyes widened, the thought of a secret exciting him. "ooh! you can tell me right now! you know, while we wait for everyone else to get here!" chris and chef shared a knowing grin, which quickly turned into a maniacal laugh. "oh don't worry little brody-" "it's brandon." "-they'll be here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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