chapter 7 [Barbacue]

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Hitokori's Pov

Hitokori woke up to a knock on his door.
It was 8am who the hell would wake him up at this time.
Better question who even knows where he lives?

He throws on a shirt with tiny kunai patterns on it and opens the door.

There's a small hand poised to knock when he opens the door.

"Senpai!" Boruto said in greeting.

Hitokori really did not know where he got senpai from, but it was better than something weird.

"Mah blondy-chan what brings you to my home?" He asked.
Questions of why the blond knew where he lived shoved to the back of his mind.

"Well I wanted to invite you to a barbecue that is happening over at the akimitchi compound.Loads of people are going and it'd be a way to introduce you to my friends." Boruto said his voice was Slowly rising in pitch as if he thought he needed to be louder.

"Mah Blondy I don't know anyone there. How awkward will it be if I'm just there and alone?" He asked brow raised.
Truly he hated social interaction.
It was awkward and un needed.

"Senpaiiii!!!!" Boruto whined petulant.

"Blondyyyyyy" hitokori shot back, smirk evident on his face.

"Cmon! I won't leave you alone. Please!" The boy pleaded he looked determined to drag him to the place.

"Mah fine then." He replied nonplussed he didn't really understand why the boy who called him a spinach for a short period in time would be adamant on him coming to a barbecue of all things.

He shrugged mentally.

"Yes! Thank you." He said a beaming smile splitting his face.

'Well it might not be so bad' hitokori mused


He arrived at the akimitchi compound at 11am.

He spotted boruto, hinata, and what looked to be a mini hinata with the hokages eyes he also noticed distantly the hokage wasn't with them.

He walked up to boruto dango in hand.
After all who didn't like dango?

"Blondy." He said in leu of greeting placing a hand on top of his head.

"Senpai!" The boy said, hinata seemed to be giggling and surprised at the same time.
He didn't know why.

Hinata's pov

Boruto had been cheery all morning.
Hinata didn't know why.

The only significant thing she could think of that had happened was going over to the akimitchi's for a barbecue.

But that was hardly a note worthy occurrence.

Just then she remember distinctly hearing boruto's chattering about how exxited he was to introduce hitokori to his friends.
She also remembered telling the 8 year old to ask the akimitchi, whether his friend could come, and hitokori whether he wanted to come.


As they neared the akimitchi compound, she spotted a distinct shock of black hair coming towards them.

She saw borutos face light up.

Hinata was slightly surprised.

Her son rarely ever thought highly of people older than him.

But she saw admiration in those blue eyes.

She giggled at his antics.

Hitokori's pov

Borutos friends were diffrent.

That was definitely the words he would use for them.


One was a tactical genius in the making.
That wasn't surprising.
He was a nara.

And then he had (3?) Girls in his group.

He wasn't sexsist by any sense of the word.

But he expected the same old same old.

Boys and girls in seperate groups.

It was normal or so he was told.

It wasn't his place to judge, he After all was far from normal.

Then there is a pale very very pale ( and is that shade even healthy?) yamanaka, And he aspires to be an artist or so hitokori guessed.

Then he had a stalker? Hitokori didn't know at this point.
The boy said something that resembled (flirting?)
hitokori recalled the pale boy saying something about boruto being his (moon or sun?) Hitokori just didn't even know what to say.

Was he jealous?
Pft no.
How could he be jealous.
He can't.
He shouldn't.
But when he realises that he is infact jealous he feels ashamed.

He isn't aloud to be jealous.
Hes 14 he's not fucking 4.

But if he takes a vindictive sort of pleasure in watching as the parents of said children punish them after boruto convinces the lot of them to pull a hair brained prank-
Well no one needs to know.

He thanks everyone for the invite, eyes the yamanaka woman who did his physce Evaluation and leaves with a cheery goodbye from all the children.

Hey who new he might actually like them all.

As he walked home he saw sakura uchiha and her daughter walking.
His glance almost completely missed the tracking tag that was put on her as a 'civillian' bumped into her.

"Fuck!" He muttered.

He contemplated walking up to her and telling her.
But as he was about to do just that the tracking tag disappeared.
How strange?
He just hoped the best for her.
Afterall not his clown not his circus.

Untill it was.


Hi! Hope you enjoyed this chapter as I wrote this I was just like oh shite in the first chapter hitokori wasn't so anxious about going to the uzumakis.

But oh we it's to late to change it ig and I really can't be asked 😅😅

So anyways see u in the next chapter.

Word count:891

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