chapter 13 (Its A Child!!)

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-Hitokori's pov-

Contrary to popular belief, Hitokori wasn't a child killer.

Why was this a common enough belief he had to address it several times? 

A combination of his moniker and reputation as a raving lunatic on the field, he assumed.

After all it wasn't a far stretch to think the shinobi who runs amok on the battlefield of tyrants and laughs his head of whilst doing so would also find joy in killing children?

His moniker just added to the apparent appeal he would find in killing children,The laughing flame.

It wasn't all that creative to be fair but mores the sorrow.

Really it wasn't his fault he laughed.

It freaked him out, he felt so free when in the midst of  battle.

It was his calling.

Some might call him a war monger.

But he hated war.

So why was he so bloodthirsty then?

That doesn't particularly matter at the moment.

what matters is the small child who is far to young to be a chunin both physically and mentally, hiding in a bush terrified, less hostile than a leaf.

Hitokori was out on a courier mission of not much significance or danger therefore under his skill level because according to his mother he shouldn't have even been walking across the village let alone getting a mission that could almost kill him.


He doesn't understand her reasoning either.

The child because that's what it was he realised with a dawning horror, a literal child under the age of 10, a chunin.

Cannon fodder.

The words echoed in his mind and he felt a sort of detached sympathy for the child.

The child was quite literally shaking the Bush it was hiding in.

Poor thing.

It made it so far into enemy territory weather by luck or sheer skill is unknown.

Matter of fact is, there is a child soldier in the middle of a mission in the nation he swore to protect.

What should he do?

The child whimpered and he heard words and phrases vaguely along the lines of 'please don't kill me,' and 'its just my luck to be found by a the laughing flame...'

And fuck if that wasn't gut retching.

But he wasn't a child killer.

He had no good reason to be.

Children have done nothing to him.

He shut his eyes in frustration before walking up to the child.

Kami he couldn't belive he was doing this.

"Leave." Was the only word he said to the sniveling runt.

"I- I what? I- dont kill me?" The child asked and said, which was another indicator the kid was to young, can't die with some dignity.

The child was confused, hitokori was confused, everyone was confused.

Just for the hell of it, and to be contrary hitokori asked,
"Are you asking me or telling me?"
Amusement flashed in his eyes before it left as quick as it had appreared leaving behind a veneer of anger laced calm.

The child flinched.

Hitokori sighed.

"Go home, scram. I'm not gonna fucking kill you though I might if you don't leave." Hitokori bared his teeth at the now not crying (but still wary) child.

The kid got up and brushed the foliage of itself, all the while eyeing hitokori up like he was going to snap and murder it.

"Th-thank you." The child said hesitantly and with a little stutter.

"Dont mention it, seriously. Like really don't." Hitokori said, waving the gratitude off.

The girl- because she was quite obviously a girl, had dark blue and vibrant blue hair interwoven making her look electric she had, oddly enough, green eyes far to light to be anything like his own.
He noticed she had a katana almost the size of herself sheathed on her back and her clothes looked worn beyond the standard wear and tear.
She seemingly left and that was the end of it.

Until it wasn't.

She swung all her timid unsureness vanishing once she thought he wasn't paying attention.

He stopped her swords ascension towards his neck by grabbing her wrist and without second thought snapping it.

Ah, he thought. Now he knew how she got so far.

It was the whole children are weak and are no threat mindset cultivated by peace times.

That obviously wasn't the case.

But what was he supposed to do now??

Be deemed a child killer?
It seemed the only choice yet he could already feel the disapproving glances and nasty rumours.
Could he live through that without snapping?

He pinned the girl to the ground as he thought.
He grabbed a chakra suppression seal out and secured it on her before standing dismissing her venomous glare.

Just then a sudden thought came to him.

The border between fire Country  and the land of rice fields was close enough he could leave her there and get back to konoha.

After all, everyone knew the land of rice fields were unofficially neutral.

Resolutely he swung her over his shoulder and knocked he out with a simple genjutsu.

He jumped from tree to tree without pause for hours until the sunset.
He placed the child on the ground and quickly ate a meal of field rations before stretching his senses out and closing his eyes.

If something or someone came close to him he'd be alerted as soon as they made it in his range wich wasn't very large admittedly but was average enough.

When the Dawn came he got up quickly and promptly wasting no time knocked out the awake but faking sleep girl and continued his journey.

Within the next 4 hours he was in a forest on the edge of rice Country.

He left her in a clearing covered by genjutsu and chakra set to unbind within 5 hours.


Once he got to the gates he was subjected to a verification jutsu and deemed to be himself.

He was let through and felt his bone deep exhaustion from carrying someone all the way to rice country.

He went to go fill out a report and conveniently skipped right over the 'complications' section.

He resolved to hand over his report the next day and went to his apartment to rest.
Word Count:1041
Hope everyone enjoyed.

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