Chapter 14

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Peter slumped over on the couch, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He had opted to sleep on the couch since his room was next to Darcy's. He would probably still be asleep if someone hadn't of slammed the door. 

"Where is my daughter?" 

Peter rubbed his eyes hard, thinking he was dreaming or having a nightmare. Loki stood before him with a strange look on his face. 

"Oh, uh hi Mr. Loki sir." Peter stumbled over his words, trying not to irritate Loki. 

Loki looked around the room, noticing that Peter was all alone. "Is everyone still asleep?" When Peter didn't answer Loki asked another question. "Is she in her room?" 

"Yes..." Peter's eyes shot open. He knew exactly what Loki would find if he went there. "Wait! No, she's not." 

"Don't lie to me small child." Loki ignored Peter's attempt at a lie. 

Peter panicked, searching for anyone. He knew crap was about to hit the fan if he didn't stop Loki, but unfortunately for him, Loki had already disappeared down the hall. "Shit." Peter mumbled to himself. 


"Darcy, I need to speak with you. It's important." Loki knew his relationship with Darcy was rocky, both of them always fighting, but this was more important than that. 

Darcy bolted up from a dead sleep, shoving Bucky awake. "Hurry and hide!"

Bucky rubbed his eyes, still in a daze from his deep sleep. "What's going on?" 

"My father is outside the door." 

Bucky didn't budge. He didn't want to hide. After all, Darcy was a grown woman. "I'll just lay here." 

Darcy kicked Bucky, sending him into the floor with a thud. She threw him his boxers and whisper/yelled, "Get your ass up and hide!"

"Where exactly am I supposed to hide?" 

She searched the room for any place to hide him. "Under the bed!" 

Bucky groaned in protest. "You're a grown woman." 

From the other side of the door, Loki listened in. His brows furrowed when he thought he heard another voice. His mind wondered who else she could have in there since Peter was in the living room. 

"Darcy, I'm coming in!" 

Darcy spun to Bucky in panic mode. "I'm a grown woman who is going to beat your ass if you don't get under that bed!" 

"Fine, enjoy dealing with that mess." Bucky slid on his boxers and crawled under the bed. He didn't have much of a view from where he was, but at least he could hear their conversation. 

Darcy pulled Bucky's shirt over her head and slid on a pair of shorts as the door flung open. 

Loki's eyes peered around the room. "I thought I heard someone in here." 

She swallowed a lump in her throat. "You mind is playing tricks on you." 

Darcy's eyes widened, but she quickly regained composure when she spotted Bucky's shoes. While Loki was surveying the room she kicked the shoes under her bed. Darcy bit back a laugh when she heard them collide with something. That something being Bucky. 

"Ow..." Bucky grumbled, causing Loki's eyes to snap in their direction. 

"I definitely heard someone." Loki had come with a plane for this conversation, but he was overly protective and needed answers. 

"Then I suggest you tell me why you're here because I'm obviously busy." Darcy quipped, narrowing her eyes at him. 

He grabbed her wrist. "What's going on?" Loki hated being lied to, especially when it was right in front of his face. 

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