Things To Make You Look Crazy In Public

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Lay on someones windsheild and pretend to be a bug when someone says move buzz

 Stand in walmart and when a voice comes over the intercom scream the voices are back

 If someone asks you how your day is going, say "None of your buiness, stalker"

If a walmart worker asks if you need help start to cry and say why wont you people leave me alone

If walmart people ask you how your day is say; "Weeeell... First I had to bury that body, then I had cheerios for breakfast..."

say i told you to bury the arms and throw the body into the ocean

Put vanilla pudding in a mayo jar and eat it in public

put blue gatorade in a windex bottle and drink it in public

talking to a pigion 

start singing 

start talking to you imaginary friend

laughing at the air

start screaming 

 talk to a pole

Jump a lot 

hug random people you dont know and demand they hug back and dont let go until they hug back

speak a different language 

Fall down and say "But moooooommy! I waaanted aaa treeeeat!" In the middle of the store.

if  with your friend say; "Isn't that the guy who's face you had tatooed in that weird spot..."

if you are with your friend say; "Do you still want me to buy you that laxitive?!" REALLY LOUD.

Do something weird and when someone asks say HELP MY IMAGINARY FRIEND IS CONTROLLING ME

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