Part 1

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I always hated going back to school. I hated the new students, and I didn't like any of my teachers. I heard that we were going to get a new teacher in music this year. Mr. Ackles was his name. I bet he was the oldest and geekiest man ever... Oh how wrong I was!

At the first day back to school I tried to look for anything close to what I had imagined. No one matched the description what so ever. I needed to see him, I needed to know what he looked like. We had music on Thursdays, today was Monday... Only three days left until I get to meet the so called Mr. Ackles...

The days went by slowly, and my anxiety level were sky high, everybody was talking about him, the boys was hoping that he was this old musician from the 70s, while the girls hoped he was a young man with an old soul... Me? I hoped he was a guy I could jam with, who had a sense of humour and was a great teacher, I couldn't care less... But I knew that I needed motivation to keep going.

Finally Thursday came and we were all sitting in silence waiting for Mr. Ackles to arrive. The tension in the room was almost unbearable as we heard the front door open and shut. The steps were light and he was whistling "carry on my wayward son" by Kansas which was my favourite song, I knew I had fallen in love with him already. As the girls started squealing and the boys started nudging each other I couldn't quite see him as I was sitting in the back of the classroom. As the crowd settled down a tall, good looking guy appeared in front of me. I could feel my heart skip a beat... I knew I wouldn't miss any more Thursday's from now on because I had fallen in love with our music teacher...

I had never seen anything this beautiful, hopefully he was good with music too. He wrote his name on the blackboard with so much grace it filled the room with joy. "Okay listen up kids, my name is Jensen Ackles, I'll be your new music teacher this year, people like making fun of my new and if you beat the last class' name you'll get a reward." He laughed a little bit for himself... I slowly raised my hand and I felt chills going through my body as his he looked straight at me. "Yes... Ms?" He said with his dark voice. " Alexis... I was just wondering what the other class called you, and I think Ackles is a really great name" I blushed as I saw a little smile escape Mr. Ackles' mouth. "Crackles..." The whole class started to giggle, me most of all.

We didn't learn a lot of music, but I listened to my iPod when the other girls was talking about themselves so what would I know "Alexis..." I could hear Mr. Ackles deep rust shout my name. I turned around only to find him running after me with something in his hands "So... What do you think so far? Do you want to keep skipping classes?" He smiled... I looked down at my feet and I felt my face turning red "No Mr. Ackles" , I could feel him staring at me and that made me blush even more. Suddenly he took a hold of my hand and gave me my iPod back "you forgot this in the classroom, I must say, you have a great music taste... And by the way... You can call me Jensen" he winked and he walked away with a big smile on his face.

What the hell did he mean by that? Am I the only one who is allowed to call him that or is he just this way towards all the girls? I felt panic surrounding me and I just wanted to disappear. I opened my phone and I saw that something was different. I checked the newly opened apps and I noticed that the note app was opened. I felt my heart beating faster than it did before, and my palms was getting sweaty. "Okay Alexis... Maybe he just went to that app because he wanted to know who owned the iPod... Nothing else"

My iPod almost fell out of my hands when I saw the note that he had left on my phone "You're so amazing, call me if you ever need anything - Jensen" I almost broke down in tears, but out of fear that someone would notice I tried to stay calm. He actually thought I was amazing, and I didn't even pay attention in his class. I didn't know what to do , so I just ran home as fast as I could. I went on my computer and searched him up on the web. Why I hadn't done that before, made me feel a little bit stupid. He was 27 years old , I was 19... It was only 8 years between us... Why did he had to write that? I had now fallen deeply in love with him. I spent hours on the computer looking at his Facebook profile and his Twitter... I wanted to follow and send him a friend request but I didn't want so seem to desperate.

After a few days I finally decided to send him a friend request, and after a few seconds he accepted. Maybe he had waited for me to do that because I got a message from him saying " Alexis, if you ever need anything just message me, you're so amazing" , why he repeated that... No one knew. I only new that I had to see him again out of school and away from parents, teachers and students... I felt my heart beat faster and faster as I typed in the words. I looked over at the message a few times, making sure it wasn't anything misspelled or wrong, then I pressed send. What if he said no... What if he contacted the principal and asked to change the class... Minutes went by and suddenly I heard a terrifying sound coming from the computer... He had answered!

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