Part 6

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I looked down at my phone... «Misha... What kind of name is Misha?» I couldn’t stop thinking about Jensen, laying at the hospital, without anyone there... The worst thing was, that if he died... I wouldn’t be there to say good bye.

I went home to change... I had been in the same clothes for days and I was starting to smell. It felt like someone was watching me, and I knew I had to be careful because the man who injured Jensen, was still around somewhere. The feeling intensified as I turned the corner to my apartment. “Ms. Rose” a dark voice suddenly said. I turned around, only to find a dog standing behind me. “I’m going crazy” I thought to myself as I kept going. The voice said once again my name, and I got scared. I hated the feeling of being watched, and I got worse by the seconds.

I started running, and I could hear steps following me, now I was terrified. I didn’t want to turn around so I ran up the stairs as fast as I could... I couldn’t find my keys and before I knew it a couple of hands grabbed me by the waits “Just relax and open the door” the voice said and handed me my keys. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside the now almost destroyed apartment. I couldn’t hide my feelings anymore, and I broke down in tears. “Don’t kill me, please! I’m only 20 years old, and I have so much to live for!” Suddenly the voice started laughing and as I turned around I saw a quite normal looking guy with baby blue eyes standing in front of me. “What the hell?” I dried away my tears, giving the man a confused look. “Jensen hasn’t told you a lot about me, has he?” The man giggled. I shook my head and just stared at the man, looking like a big question mark. “I’m Misha... Jensen told you to look for me right?” He shook my hand and my eyes widened “How did you know?” I asked and he just started smirking “Well... I’m special that way, hes in a coma now... And we need to find the thing Mr. X is looking for”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. A few months ago my life was normal and boring, then I got a new teacher, my parents died and I fell in love with my teacher who thankfully fell in love with me too. Now I was standing in front of a mysterious guy named Misha, while my fiance was laying at the hospital because a so called Mr. X was looking for something... “Are you kidding me?” I raised an eyebrow, placing my hand on my hip. He just stared at me, waiting for me to speak up. “Like seriously, do you really want me to believe that you are some kind of special and that you really are Misha... Maybe you are the so called Mr. X” He just started laughing and then he took a few steps closer “This isn’t what it looks like” He said before crashing his lips onto mine. Suddenly all kinds of images of Jensen and Misha appeared.... Memories actually. I wanted to cry, because of the way it was shown to me. Everything good and bad that had happened in Jensen life, was in my head. Misha pushed me away and said “I think you need to practice your kissing, because that’s not good” My eyes widened and I couldn’t do anything else but laugh “Jensen likes it” I smirked. “This doesn’t count as cheating... Right?” I bit me lip and took a hold of the back of my neck looking nervously down at my feet “Just relax, he knows that’s the way that I work” he smirked, making me feel a whole lot better.

“So... Mr. X, who is this guy?” I asked nervously. I couldn’t stop looking into Misha's baby blue eyes, and suddenly I found myself in an awkward situation “Sorry” I mumbled. I could hear him laughing quietly, which made blush like a first grader who just got her first kiss. “Well... He is dangerous, a murderer and a big bag of dicks. I think he put some kind of spell on our dear Mr. Ackles and I don’t know which one. I have a friend name Bobby, who is a master of the crafts and art, but he hasn’t found anything either.” He had a stern look on his face. “Whats wrong?” I asked... He ignored me for a few seconds before finally speaking up “we need to go, stat!” he starting packing my stuff down in a bag, and then almost ran out the door “what the hell is happening?” I took a hold of his hand, and with a poof we weren’t at the apartment anymore. “Okay... WHAT?” I just shook my head in shock and Misha started laughing again “Do you know how fun this is?” I noticed something red dripping down from Mishas nose and I handed him a tissue “It weakens you... Doesn’t it?” He just gave me a smile and shook his head, still having the tissue under his nose. “You’re so weird” I said blissfully. I didn’t know what it was, but I felt like I had known Misha for years or maybe in another life... But I knew I could trust him with anything. We checked in to the nearest motel, and I jumped on the bed... “Oh my God... That was not a good idea” I laughed, taking a hold of my side. Misha gave me a smile before laying down on the bed beside me. “Life is so weird... Don’t you think?” I looked over at the drowsy man laying beside me. I couldn’t help but notice how strange this whole situation was, but as soon as I thought of it I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

I woke up by a loud noise coming from the next door bathroom. “Misha?” I looked over at the empty bed beside me. I started to sweat and I could almost feel my heart beat out of my chest. Suddenly the door opened and Misha walked in with a huge smile on his face and two cups of coffee. He handed me the biggest cup and said “Good morning sunshine, did you sleep well?” I brushed the sleep away from my eyes and took a sip of the coffee. “How many hours of sleep did you get?” I turned my head, giving him a judgmental look. “I don’t sleep, I cant sleep” He replied shyly, looking down at his feet. The all special man vibe kind of freaked me out before, but the no sleeping part made everything worse. “But you were sleeping when I looked over at you last night” I pointed out. “Its called acting” he smiled nervously.

“Again... You’re so weird.” I looked over at the clock, and I didn’t even realize that it was only 4:30 in the morning “Dude... Really?” I pointed at the clock, making him giggle like a little school girl. “We have work to do” He said astringently. The way that he changed so quickly made me kind of scared. He could easily show up in the dictionary as the perfect description of a bi-polar person... Without the suicide thoughts... Well, I didn’t quite know for sure. “I’m not bi-polar, just FYI” He stated, and I felt so embarrassed and then confused over that he could hear my thoughts. “I’m special” He said, once again making me blush.

“Come on, get your clothes on and stop blushing, we got work to do” He said while handing me newly washed clothes. “How did you wash my clothes?” I asked, making him look at me like I was stupid “I washed them in a washing machine genius... Now come on!” He grabbed my hand and suddenly we were out of the motel “Dude... How the hell do you do it?” I said as I brushed away the hair from my face. “Magic” He giggled... I looked around and I noticed where we were, "are you kidding me?!" I gave him a stern look and crossed my arms. He shrugged and went in to the school building "I would like to speak with the principal please" He said boldly. After a few minutes of waiting he principal arrived.

“Ms. Rose, what a pleasant surprise” She looked over at me with a big smile on her face “Hey, my name is Charles Rose... I’m Alexis uncle, and I just wanted to tell you that she will be leaving for good” Misha said sternly, and I couldn’t help but started to giggle. “Is something funny, Ms. Rose?” The principal looked at me with an angry look on her face. “No... Not at all” I cleared my throat, looking nervously down at my feet. “Why is she leaving?” The principal looked over at the now distressed Misha “because I say so, now good bye” He took a hold of my hand and dragged me out of the door “Why so mad?” I rubbed my hand... “Because I’m tired of incompetent people, who thinks they can do whatever the hell they want!” Before I knew it Misha disappeared, leaving me looking like a big question mark “What the hell just happened?!”

After walking for almost 3 hours, I finally arrived at the motel. I went inside my room only to find Misha sitting on the bed crying. I rushed over to his side and placed my hand on his back, rubbing it gently. “Hey... Whats wrong?” I asked him... He didnt answer me, and I started to get worried... What if something had happened to Jensen?





Hope you enjoy reading it, if you do; leave a vote and a comment! I love writing this, and its developing into a supernatural kind of story, and I really like it. Love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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