A queen dies and a prince is born

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3rd Person POV:

It was a cool October night in Uzushiogakure. There the wife of the clan head was giving birth to her second child. As the clan head paced outside the room he waited and watched his daughter Mito. It had been seven years since Mito had been born and she had wanted a sibling for quite some time.

Maybe 3 hours after the family's arrival a nurse entered the room and asked to see the clan head.

Mito's POV:

It felt like years since we got to the white building. After they took mama to another room it got very boring. When one of the people finally came back out they had a sad look and a weird aura, they then asked to see papa. After papa went over, the person started talking to him. As the person talked to papa the emotions on his face changed, they went from worry to sadness and anger then turned back to and stayed sad. I don't like it when papa is sad so I ran to him, wrapped my arms around him and asked, "Papa what's going on?"

Mito's Father's POV:

I was frozen, no petrified. I had just received the news that my wife had died in childbirth. As the nurse was telling me that the child had survived and was a healthy baby boy, two little arms wrapped around my torso. As I looked back I saw Mito hugging me with a look of worry in her amethyst eyes that looked so much like her mother's. As she asked what was wrong I felt my heart break. "How am I going to tell her?" I thought. As I was about to tell Mito the bad news, the nurse crouched down and said to her, "I am sorry but your mother died."

Mito's POV:

This shouldn't be happening but it was. As I cried my small heart out one question came to me, "Where is my brother?"

Two week time skip...

Mito's POV:

I was outside again. Back at the old willow tree that mama would always sit under with me as we sang songs about the stars and all the gods and goddesses that took care of us and would help us live peacefully. But this time I wasn't with mama, instead I was with my new baby brother. Naruto was the name that had been decided for him due to the fact that it means Whirlpool.

His eyes were the same deep ocean blue as mama's, the kind that you could get lost in if you weren't careful. "I will protect him." I thought as I gazed at him, "I will always be there for him as mama was always there for him."

To be continued.....

In the next part there will be a major time skip that will go into detail of the training that they will have to go through as part of the royal lineage.

Again, please do leave any thing that you think would help this story be improved. Thank you!

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