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Then suddenly she stopped, grabbing her stomach with a pained expression on her face. "Oww..." she whimpered, drawing in a sharp breath. It felt like someone was jabbing her in the lower abdomen. She couldn't imagine what the pain had come from. It came on so suddenly!

She winced, trying to put her hand back on the keys before jerking it back to her stomach. "I'm sorry...I...don't know... what's wrong..." her words were labored, the pain growing in intensity. Could it have been something she ate? Or perhaps her time of bleeding was almost upon her? It shouldn't have been for another two weeks, and while it sometimes pained her, she'd never felt an affliction like this before.

His face dropped almost instantly. Maybe he was mistaken, but he believed these were the pains they had warned him about. "Here, take a more comfortable seat" he helped lift her away from the piano and sat her down in a plush armchair.

The thought immediately came to his mind: was she with child? If so, that really would change everything. Their honeymoon period would end as quickly as it had begun. He would have to explain the grand secret, how important her role was in it, and how best she could take good care of herself and the baby. He'd wanted her to have his child. It had been his mission in all of this, but he'd thought they have more time before it would consume their lives.

First, he needed to discern what was causing the pain. "What are you feeling, my sweet? Where does it hurt? Can you describe it to me?" He was no physician, but he had sat through hours long lectures about the carrying process. If it was indeed what he suspected, he would have to inform certain staff who would then take on the roles of her pregnancy team.

He tentatively placed a hand overtop her own. Could it really have happened so soon? They had made love, sweet passionate love, twice. A level of sadness sunk into his heart. He had just started to enjoy being with her, and she was becoming more than just a carrier for a powerful child. Now, she might not live to see the next few months. He looked up from her stomach to her eyes, his face serious and concerned. "Natalia, I need to know."

"It's like... a stabbing pain..." she replied, drawing in another sharp breath, nearly doubled over. "Oww..." she winced again, tears forming in her eyes. "I've never... felt anything like this before.." she looked back at him, searching for answers. The way he spoke... that he needed to know... had he had something to do with this?

Maybe that decanter had poison in it! Her eyes suddenly grew wide, feeling the need to confess. "That—the wine decanter—in your studio—" she blurted. "I... I tasted something from it. Is—is that—what's doing this?" She was gasping between words, as the pain felt like it was swallowing her whole. Was she dying? Had she accidentally poisoned herself?

He knew it! He knew she had tampered with his decanter of blood! There was no pride to be had in this affirmation of his detective ability, though. She was in pain, and he knew how to fix it. The child, now burrowing its way in her womb, had tasted blood, and it wanted to be satiated further.

With her safety in jeopardy and an explanation forthcoming, he no longer needed to hide any of his powers. Marcello had completed the task required of him, and hence she was now stuck with him whether she liked it or not. He sped out the room inhumanly, returning with a glass of blood. He held his hand over the top to avoid any spillage from moving at such a speed, and then he held it out to her forcefully. "Drink this. Now."

She looked hesitant. Too hesitant. So he tilted her head back and lifted the glass to her lips, pouring it down her throat, slowly. "Swallow it Natalia. I will explain all when you've drunk it."

He knew this must absolutely terrify her: being in pain, watching him move, drinking more blood. He was counting on the suddenness of it all to overwhelm her so she would listen to him and follow his orders. She could question and be angry later, but right now she had to goddamn listen.

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