I Hate Her

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As Marcello held her close, he still had that spark of fear that they might kill her before she turned, or that she might kill them if she turned too soon. He had to quell the thought in his mind. There was absolutely nothing he could do either way. Stroking her hair as her breathing slowed further, she dropped into a peaceful slumber bit by bit. He loved watching her fight to stay awake in the snuggling before sleep. Her head would slowly droop and then jump back up. It was beautifully human.

The fact she was growing to like, maybe even love, blood from the way she cleaned out the decanter, was more than a little concerning. If it became a requirement for her, Sibella, and Dante, she would have to guzzle an awful lot. Once a new vampire got a taste, it could become an addiction quickly and devolve into a state of frenzy. He shivered as he remembered, only flashes of a time when his bloodlust overtook him.

Natalia drifted off and woke up a few hours later, famished. But her craving wasn't for food...it was for blood. She knew it couldn't possibly be a good sign. She sprung up, faster than she meant to, having to steady herself on the bedpost. The pace she was moving at was foreign to her, another change no one expected so soon. She wrapped her dressing gown around her and stuck her head out of the room, looking for Marcello.

Instead, she saw Sienna. Did she just lurk outside her room? Natalia couldn't help but wonder. Taking a steadying breath, she motioned for her to come toward her, trying to be quiet. She did not know who else might be close by, but she was sure that Sienna was an impure and a maid. She would be capable of fetching her what she needed. "Would you bring me some more blood, please?" She asked, trying to be as polite as possible.

Sienna looked at her, torn between wanting to say what she had been holding back for so long and obeying the royal command. She went for somewhere in between. "I will get it now for you, your highness. Not that it will do you much good. You'll die before you see your children," she said it so politely! Sugar wouldn't have melted on that devil tongue! Then she proceeded to walk away, carrying out the command.

If she was going to be ordered about by the woman that stole her companion, then she would treat her with the respect the wife of the prince garnered, but she wouldn't simply stand by and let her enjoy the position. Walking away, a smirk crept across her dark features. She knew the bitch would tattle to the Prince, and he would inevitably be even more unreasonable with her; but she still had plans.

Natalia pursed her lips but said nothing in return other than a curt, "thank you" before stepping back inside. She was fuming, but she couldn't say anything. That would give Sibella the satisfaction of knowing she'd gotten under her skin. That was absolutely not going to happen.

So she dressed herself quickly, pulled her hair back out of her face, and perched upon the chaise on the far side of the room. She kept her eyes glued on the door, waiting for either Sienna or Marcello to return, seething.

Sienna returned roughly ten minutes later with a small barrel of blood. Not saying a word while refilling the decanter. Once done, she turned to look at Natalia as if making a mental tally of her pros and cons: she had a splendid figure, but she also looked too pregnant and pale. Rumors circulated through the palace that her belly was too wide for one child, and other workers had overheard the prince saying children and not child. She hoped they were both girls. That way, the Prince would have to fuck another woman, and this one would know how she felt.

She curtsied "I hope you enjoy your blood, my lady. It'd be a shame if you brought it all back up. Such a waste." There was venom in her words and in her chocolate brown eyes. "I mean, its all a waste anyway," she whispered the last part as she turned to go. She was defiant, but she knew her place. If she didn't, Marcello would certainly show her where it was.

Why did he trust this human over her! The hours and days they had spent together! She narrowed her eyes at Natalia, glaring back over her shoulder, daring her to say something before she could make it out the door. However, as she opened it and walked through, Marcello returned, staring at Sienna and then at his wife.

"Did I miss something? Why was she in here I did not think the two of you were fond of one other?" He shut the door and noticed the decanter was now full. He set the barrel he'd retrieved on his leisurely walk about down on the floor before coming to Natalia's side.

She said nothing to Sienna but bored holes into her until she left. "I asked her to bring me blood," she said through gritted teeth, pouring herself a glass and downing it in one gulp. "Which she did." She poured a second glass and downed it. While she debated pouring a third, her hands drifted back to her stomach, still staring daggers at the door. "That bitch..." she was fairly sure the words had never slipped from her lips before, but she was livid. "She said I was a waste! That you were wasting blood on me! I'd die before I ever met my children..." her eyes fixed on him, burning like emerald fire, ignited by her hostility. "And yes, she said children..."

"I hate her..." she growled. 

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