The Four Of Us

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She tried to clean the mess, but shook her head and gave up, grabbing up Dante to nurse on her breast. "Sibella might be hungry, too." She took her in her other arm from him, and the baby girl latched almost immediately.

"Oww..." she said to the little girl. "You—have teeth!" She remarked as the little girl bit down on her nipple. "Do they normally come with teeth?" She asked, a brow cocked. She knew normal babies didn't come with teeth. At least, she'd never heard of that, but their babies weren't normal at all.

He couldn't even answer, taken aback by her beauty. She looked like some sort of matronly statue with a baby in each arm, both at her breasts, standing naked with the moonlight streaming through the guestroom window. It cascaded off her skin and created a glow around her. Then, as quickly as her moment with them had begun, it was interrupted by a knock at the door.

He hastily wrapped a dressing gown around his wife, which in reality disguised neither her nursing breasts nor the cum dripping down her thighs. "Just a second!" He shouted to the door. Running and putting his own clothes back on. Both of them had messy hair, which now that they needn't breath nor blush would be the giveaway of their lovemaking. That and... the smell.

He grinned back at her as he made his way to the door. "Yes, they can sometimes have teeth if they are born healthy. She needs to learn to be delicate like her father." If she could have blushed, she would have, but her marble cheeks remained the same.

He opened the door to the doctor, who looked at them both and, if Marcello was not mistaken, rolled his eyes. "I have just come for a quick check on the children." He stepped inside with all his equipment at the ready and smiled warmly at watching Natalia nurse them both.

She nodded, turning from the doctor for a moment to sit down on the bed in front of the wet spot so maybe he wouldn't notice. "They both seem to be doing well... except she bites..." she pointed to Sibella.

"They were both asleep until just a minute or two ago, and I thought they might be hungry. I think they're getting something. What would normally be done now?"

The doctor nodded, looking them over. "A wet nurse. Which they may still need. We have one that feeds them blood and one milk. The milk can be from any lactating female. The more carefully chosen. Needs to be someone young and virile and either willing or compelled. They're too small to drink blood that isn't fresh. Generally, we start with a finger prick and have them nurse that way. As they grow, it moves up, eventually being able to bite wrists or necks and drink as much as they need..."

Natalia was nodding. This was all still a new world to her, but she was trying to understand all of it. "Also, you two..." he said, looking from Natalia to the prince, "try to keep the bedroom antics to a minimum for at least a few days. She may have turned, but this body is still fresh. There may be certain kinks it has to work out after carrying these two..."

She looked down in her lap, wanting to blush but finding herself unable. "'s just...we weren't really able to be intimate when—"

The doctor cut her off, waving. "Don't need specifics. Just. Be careful. It's very normal for females to get a hormonal rush after birthing and after turning. You're suddenly very attracted to your mate. Just... be careful. We don't know what is different in your case. We've never had a twin birth before or anyone turn in pregnancy. There's no telling what kinds of odd side effects it might leave..." she looked at her stomach that still looked a little pudgy but said nothing before looking back at him and smiling.

"Ok, I'll need to look over them, individually..." he said, reaching his arms out and taking Dante from her, who promptly screamed like a banshee.

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