Chapter One

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The only sound that seemed to come from within the dark room was that of intensive typing. A small light however shone on a small figure, appearing to be deep in thought, as she scrolled through the web page in front of her. As the images slid across the screen a small sigh escaped her lips as she bit on her lower one. The amount of deaths had slowly risen over the last several days, but the cause of such a influx was yet to be determined. The killer the media had dubbed as Kira appeared to have gotten more brazen in his attempt to wipe out the criminal population.  Possibly a taunt to the ever so clever detective? Whatever the case was, ever since the investigation had taken off, Mizuka had become more and more curious.

Slipping a pair of cat eared headphones onto her head, and a lollipop in her mouth, Mizuka went to work on her newest podcast episode about the Kira investigation. With how popular the investigation had become for both those for, and against Kira, the amount of listeners on her podcast had skyrocketed. Taking full advantage of the influx of listeners, her abilities to get more personal information of the case, and her intense curiosity Mizuka had been able to start an entire series in regards to this case. 

A small pop could be heard over her microphone as the lollipop slipped from between her lips and giggled. The adrenaline from this case gave her goosebumps every time she dove deeper and deeper into it. At the same time, the slight fear of being found out by Kira, and possibly killed, scared the holy hell out of her. During the times her fear elevated she was beyond grateful that one, no one knew her real name, and two no one had ever seen her face during a podcast. The choice of being a faceless podcaster really had come in handy for this case specifically. 

"Honestly, I'm also glad I have the ability to get the info I have. With how I choose to speak out on specific areas of Kira's work if he had my name and face I'd probably be long dead. That thrill though, the desire to follow this case to the end is much to enticing to stop. No matter the risk of my own life." Another pop could be heard through the speakers the lolli slid back into her mouth. 

"Now, we're gonna open our chats and emails for anyone who may have any questions at this time!" Quickly opening the podcasts chats and emails one quickly caught Mizuka's attention. Opening it, she quickly scanned the email teeth crunching down on her lollipop the further down she read. Ignoring the email for the time being she quickly regained her composure and answered a handful of questions before closing out the podcast for the evening. Pulling the email back up and rereading it, Mizuka felt both a twinge of anger, and fear. 

"Well isn't this interesting..." Throwing her stick into the trash Mizuka quickly responded back to the email entailing she understood the request, and would arrive at her earliest convenience. Not liking the feelings she was getting from the email, but knowing if she didn't that she would regret it gnawing at her, Mizuka quickly removed her headset.  Packing a bag of some essentials, a few outfits, a pair of shoes, and a pair of boots, Mizuka sighed once more before grabbing her laptop. Throwing her headphones around her neck she did a quick once over of her surroundings, and then headed out. 

This case started off as something of pure curiosity and now here she was being drawn down the rabbit hole. Being both a curious kitten and a hacker had come in handy for her throughout her podcast career, but this time she was going to be dangling herself like a worm on a hook. Not because she was risking her identity in-regards to her hacking schemes, but instead it could possibly cost her her life. The pull this case had on her curiosity however, was much stronger than her fear of losing her life. 

Following the instructions from the email, Mizuka took the nine o'clock train to the location listed. Keeping her head down, hoodie over her face, she listened to her music blare through the headphones wrapped lovingly around her neck. She could feel eyes on her from the evening riders, and though it made her skin rise some, it didn't bother to much since her face couldn't be seen by them. When the train finally called out her destination Mizuka quickly got off. 

Heading towards the exit of the station she could feel someone following her. Slowing her step to see what the person would do she almost jumped when a voice spoke near her ear, "Miss Minima, please follow me." Back stiffening up at the quiet, yet gruff voice Mizuka's eyes drifted slightly to the left to catch a glimpse of a tall gentlemen with a trench coat up to his neck and hat shadowing his facial features. Nodding quietly chills running down her spine Mizuka tailed the man to a car outside of the station. Quickly getting in she came face to face with a thin, yet pale young man. His legs were drawn up to his chest, thumb to his lips, and appeared deep in thought. However, as the door quickly shut behind her he looked up. 

"I'm going to guess your ID image isn't the most recent." His voice appeared to hold no emotion. He was direct, yet quite rude in her opinion as he made the statement about her appearance. However, as she thought about his statement again she froze. If he knew her image wasn't up to date then he had to know that her podcast name was a false name. This made her extremely nervous causing her eyes to travel out the window to avoid eye contact further with the man in front of her.

Attempting to collect her composure Mizuka watched the scenery outside pass by. Biting her lower lip as she tried to figure how to respond she was caught off guard as the man in front of her reached his arm out. In his hand was non other than a lollipop. Looking over at him she noticed nothing in his facial expression had changed. He sat there with this blank look on his face, eyes void of any real emotion, and his arm outstretched. Taking the lollipop from him Mizuka quickly popped it into her mouth taking in the luscious blueberry taste.

"From your previous statement I'm going to guess you know that Minima is nothing more than an alias. Is that correct?" As he returned his hand to his knees, still pulled up to his chest the man nodded confirming her suspicions, "In that case I'm going to take a wild guess and say you must be L then." The biggest reason she assumed this is because the man who had guided her to the vehicle had for one; used her alias when addressing her, and then you had the fact that the only person she'd guess to be given her legal name would be L, not just some random person from the task force he was working with.

"That would be correct, but once we arrive at headquarters I would prefer you to call me Ryuzaki since that is the name I use with the task force assembled there. You will also be given your own room upon arrival, but be advised all rooms are monitored for safety and security purposes. The bathrooms of course are excluded from this." Nodding carefully understanding the directions, yet still on edge Mizuka once more looked out the window as she enjoyed her sweet treat. She had to wonder to herself as the world flew by, had she truly made the right choice coming here? Or would this path lead to her demise?

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