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They arrived unexpectedly.... The lot of them looked out of place standing before the door in that sketchy part of the little town. "Come in, come in." Was the remark from Ez once the astonishment fled from her. Julian her cousin stood in her doorway with a mix of strange individuals.

She ushered them in rapidly...

"Its so good to see you." The small human made in reply after the door had been closed. Her arms wrapped around the doctor, Bashir. This reaction earned a strange look from Garak, whom I had been keeping an eye on for the extent of our journey. The known spy was most defiantly the cause of our most recent predicament. The small white haired human introduced herself as Ez (short for Esperanza). A distant cousin of our doctor Bashir. She turned to the rest of our party. "My name is Odo" I quietly said.

His name is Odo....

What a strange name for a person, of course his looks match his abnormality. He appeared human, but had no distinguishing features. Light brown hair, same as his dress, pale but colored skin, with a strange feeling surrounding him. "And I am Elim Garak, my dear." So this is the man Jules has been talking so much about.

Elim introduced himself....

Of course he would I mean we are not so serious as monopolize his introduction to only my tongue. Still I wish the pleasure had been mine. I hope she likes him, there aren't many whose opinions I value like I do hers. "And I'm Major Kira of Deep Space Nine." I heard from somewhere off in the distance.

Well I'll introduce myself since Julian seems so distracted....

The girl called Ez turned to greet me but stopped abruptly, propably due to Worf standing beside me. No doubt that she was probably a little intimated most humans have never met many different species. "And this is Lt. Worf." I said to ease the tension.

I heard footsteps from down the hall....

They were loud, not all of which was due to the echo from the old house. The figure stopped in the doorway, its shadowy form fit its sound. It was indeed another Klingon. In fact it was traitor son of Duras, Torral.

The expression on the Lt.'s face confirmed my suspection...

The two Klingons had known each other. Usually, in my own personal experience with the race, was a bad thing. Worf glared at him, even worse than he did me. This was a serious acknowledgement, however his hatred for me comes from the fact that I'm a Cardassian, the young boy however offers a different story.

They just stared at each other... Why do Klingons make social interactions difficult. Even Garak, a Cardassian knows how to speak. But these Klingons, they have no manners! The likes of it would never be suitable for a Frengie.

Quark just stood there...

The Frengie was trembling, well I, a constable, would do no such thing I get results and put up with no disputes. "I am Odo" I repeated to the figure. "And who might you be?" We maintained eye contact for a while when the golden eyed human said "this is Torral."

He doesn't like others, this won't end well....

Torral approached me, and wrapping an arm around my waist stated "I will speak with you a moment, in private." So this is as bad as I think it is. I stepped into the hall with my lover close behind. "Who are they?" His gaze not upon me. "Julian my cousin, and some of his friends. They just showed up unexpectedly. I think something is wrong." I caught his eyes for a moment he stared into mine. He pulled me close and whispered "Do what you must."

The other Klingon kissed Julian's cousin and went back down the hall....

"Ok so let me see, Elim Garak, Major Kira, Odo, Worf, and..." "I am Quark," the Frengie replied with a smile. Followed by a growl from the Lt. I don't see what's gotten into him. "Listen" I said "its late, we are tired and need a place to stay. No pleasantries! It may be the Bajoran in me, or the rebel but I get right to the point."

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