My Symphony | Wilbur

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AU: None (L'Manberg didn't get blown up)
Story type: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Brief mentions of blood, brief mentions of self harm (one sentence)
Extra: sorry I couldn't tag you, the app kept crashing every time I tried✋ also, I've started using [Name] for your name instead of M/N because it's easier to type out lol
Requested by @Blueberryanimecos1

Third Person POV-

Wilbur was more greatful for [Name] than he ever thought possible.

During the darkest points of his life, he was there for him. [Name] had held held him close, loved him, comforted him, and had overall done everything right.

[Name] would always remind Wilbur of just how amazing he thought that Wilbur was. [Name] would compliment Wilbur every day, all the way from the L'Manberg Revolution to their darkest days in the crevice that Pogtopia resided in. [Name] would tell Wilbur how much he loved the way the light made his hair shine, the way the flowers in the meadows brought out his eyes, or the way he would delicately hold his guitar as he plucked away at the strings as the sweet sound of music made just for them would fill the air.

Wilbur loved every moment of it.

Wilbur loved the embarrassed flush that would come to his cheeks as he smiled at his lover until his jaw hurt and Tommy would complain that he looked psychotic for how much teeth he was showing. Wilbur loved the way [Name] would hold him close, swaying to a beat that wasn't even there as he whispered how much he loved him in his ear.

Wilbur loved the attention his lover gave him. But even more, Wilbur loved the feeling of being loved.

It didn't take long for Wilbur to grow addicted to the warmth in his chest he got whenever he would hear [Name] hum one of Wilbur's songs as the [color] haired male would polish his swords or armour. It didn't take long for him to grow addicted to the way he saw [Name] looking at him, watching with nothing but love as Wilbur went on and on about whatever presidential or social issue was annoying him. It didn't take long for Wilbur to grow addicted to the way that [Name] would look to the side with a dorky grin whenever the brunet had caught the [color] eyed male staring at him. It took even shorter of a time for Wilbur to grow addicted to the times when [Name] didn't look away, when he would just smile and cup Wilbur's cheek with eyes so full of love that Wilbur would melt.

But Wilbur couldn't help it.

Sure, call him a simp, but it was true. He loved [Name] more than anything or anyone else in the entirety of the SMP and beyond, in a way that you could only love someone who you were ready to spend the rest of your life with.

From the way [Name] would suddenly get an idea for a song or a poem and rush around in a hurried frenzy for a pen and piece of paper to scribble it down for later to the way Wilbur would fall asleep in the [curly, straight, wavy, etc.] male's arms as [Name] hummed them to sleep. What could he say? [Name] was everything and more to Wilbur.

Sometimes he couldn't believe the way he took him for granted.


"Wilbur," Wilbur turned around, hand that was hovering over the button that would end it all snapping to his side as he looked at [Name]. "Please..."

Wilbur's face was covered in tears, the salty liquid having washed away some of the soot and grime on his face and leaving behind lightened streaks in its place. Wilbur's breath caught in his throat as he took a step forward, raising his right hand wearily, the limb stopping just below his hip, to reach out for the male before him, "[Name]..."

"Wilbur... L'Manberg is our home," Wilbur's heart ached at the way his boyfriend's face contorted in an effort to keep away his tears. "Our symphony. We-we still have so much left to do..." [Name] looked Wilbur in his eyes as he clutched his enchanted netherite sword in his dominant hand. "Don't give up on it yet... please..."

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