"I Hate You Draco Malfoy"

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Y/N pov:

I was on my way to the compartment where Pansy was waiting for me. I didn't see her all summer because I went with my family to France. I couldn't wait to see her again. She is one of the greatest friends I made here at hogwarts.

I don't quite like to be the centre of attention but she loves it. Maybe that's why we're friends. Because we're different.
Pansy always managed to make friends easily and draw attention to herself. Sometimes that can be a little annoying but I don't complain.

In our early years at hogwarts she was the only person I was talking to until she and Blaise Zabini started forming a couple. We haven't spent that much time together and that forced me to try to make new friends.

Given the time I had to spend with Blaise, I ended up spending time to none other than the famous Draco Malfoy.
Maybe you're wondering why "famous".
Well, he's pretty famous for his arrogance and the way he's always trying to be superior to everyone. There are also the sharp comments he offer even if they are not needed

Draco and I spoke only once in the first year when we were both sorted at Slyterin but since then only glances cast around the room or little comments during the lesson.

He's not an bad man as everyone thinks he is. But they're right. This man is very annoying.

When I was making my way down the corridor between the compartments, I tripped and fell. My suitcase and the book I had in my hand fell off. I looked up and saw none other than Draco Malfoy

"L/N, what are you doing on the floor. There's plenty of seats in the compartments for you, too, you know that?"

A huge smirk on his face. Merlin i hate that smirk.

He reached his hand out for me to take it and get me off the floor. When I wanted to do that he pulled his hand away and I fell again. I hate him.

"If you're not going to help me would you please fuck off?"

He laughed and helped me get up. He took my suitcase and when I tried to take it back he told me to go forward to the compartment.

"What's he up to?"

I opened the compartment door and saw Pansy and Blaise on top of each other.

"Oh merlin-"

"are we interrupting something?" Draco asked from behind me.

Pansy jumped and turned all red.

"No mate, come in" Blaise said

As soon as I walked in Pansy pulled me next to her forcing me to stand between her and Blaise.

"Y/N I'm so glad to see you"

"I'm glad to see you too, Pansy" I smiled at her and I got up to sat down next to the draco

"What are you doing?" Pansy asked me.

"I don't want to stand between you two."

"But Blaise doesn't mind. Isn't that right, Blaise?"

"I actually do. Sorry Y/N"

"Don't worry."

As I looked out the window I felt something on my lap and when I looked I saw that Draco had his head on me.

"What the hell do you think you doing"

"Shut up, I'm tired"

"Malfoy, get up"

"Why? You are not comfortable L/N?"

"pff, no."

"Then I'm not getting up"

"I hate you Draco Malfoy"

"oh, you love me"

I blushed. Why did I blush? I never blush.
Fuck, I hate him.

Draco Malfoy pov:

I had my head in her lap. I expect her to push me away. But she didn't.

"I hate you Draco Malfoy" she said

"oh, you love me"

She didn't say anything.

I just close my eyes and I made myself comfortable.


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