"I Understand"

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"Mr Malfoy, What you are telling me now has no relevance. I want you to tell me what happened that night."

"I'll get there.... I just.. You need to understand."

"Understand what, Mr Malfoy?"

"Why I did it."



"Draco Malfoy pov:"

I was just looking at her, her beautiful hair falling in front of her face. I could look at her for hours, my beautiful girlfriend. Merlin her smile... the smile I love the most in this world-

"You're staring at me. Again."

"Pf, who? Me? Nah.."

"Yes, you do"

"No, I'm n-"

She didn't even let me finish. The feeling of her lips on mine could take me to the stars and back. She always does that. Whenever I annoy her of course. But I never complain, I love it. I love her. More than anything. More then I love myself. I would die for her a million times.



"Are you shore about this Mr. Malfoy?"

"What do you mean?"

"It just doesn't seem to be the case, it is?"

"Are you suggesting I don't love her??!?"

"I'm just saying.."


"No need to get mad now, what is done, is done and-"

His clenched fists hit the table hard. He tried to jump at the auror's neck in front of him but the chains held him in place.

"Mr. Malfoy if you don't calm down I'll have to do something I don't want to"


"Mr. Malfoy, please-"

"I don't have anything left-. At least do me a favour and kill me.."

"We need answers."

"Then why am I here, trapped in chains like a dog??"

"Because you have the answer to all of our questions."



Draco malfoy pov:

"I love you Draco Malfoy.."

"And I love you Y/N L/N.. "

"Can I spend the night with you?.."

"Of course you can, love. Do you have any plans for the night?"

I asked her with a big smile on my face.
She got all red and shy. Merlin is like I asked her to get naked in front of everyone. I love when she does that. I love to see her all flushed. Getting closer to me she smacked me lightly on the arm and between clenched teeth she whispers..

"Don't, not here. I bet half of hogwarts heard you!!"

"What did I say? I just asked my girlfriend if she has any plans for tonight!"

I said whit my hands now on her legs. I pull her closer to me, so that now she sits glued to me with her face so close to mine that we shared the same breath. I lean slightly to kiss her but she pulls back.

" Why did you do that?"

" Because"

"Just because??"


"Oh come on... Are you actually mad at me?"


"Then why can't I kiss my girlfriend?"

"You can kiss her tonight"

She smirked at me taking a few steps back.

"So you do have plans?"

The smirk now on my lips.


"Merlin, women, you are going to be the death of me.."

"And you are going to be mine, Draco Malfoy"

She turned around and smiled at me once more before disappearing into the crowd of students and leaving me alone in the middle of the corridor.



"She knew?"

"If one of us had known, we wouldn't be here now. She would be living her life happily, far away from me. She would be alive"

"She was right. Now I understand... "


Silence. The man just looked at him

"What the fuck do you understand??"

"She was right, Draco Malfoy is the death of Y/N L/N."



"You don't understand.. I did... I did love her.. I still do.."

"I think it's enough for today, Mr Malfoy. Maybe if you get some sleep tomorrow we can speak about what happened that night.."

Darkness, pain, that's all Draco Malfoy felt at the time. Maybe the man in frost of him was right. Maybe he did kill you. The love of his life. The girl he fall in love with on the school year off 1995. The girl he kept falling in love with for the next 5 years. The woman he married on the 25th of May 2000. The woman who gave birth to a son on the 17th of May 2006. And the woman that died on the 9th of May 2007. He killed Y/N L/N.

"I killed you.."


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