"Malfoy, you are too close..."

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"What took you so long?"

"I'm so sorry Pansy, I lost my book and draco helped me find it"

"did you found it"

"yes.... somehow..."

"I'm not going to ask"

"I think it's better if you don't"

She smiled at us

"I'm gonna go to my dorm, but see you later"

"Bye, Pans"

After she left I sat down on the sofa and Draco was just looking wired at me.

"Got a steering problem Malfoy?"

"Maybe, why? You don't like the idea of me looking at you?"

Why is he acting like this?

"just forget about it"

He sat down next to me

"What are we doing now?"

"I don't know about you, Malfoy, but I think I'm gonna go change and maybe take a nap"

"Well, then good night, L/N"

"Good night, Malfoy"



I was just getting out of the shower when I heard something. I put a towel around me and got out of the bathroom.


"I thought I told you to stop yelling. Didn't I?"

He got closer to me

"I- yes, yes you did. What are you doing here?"

"See? You can ask something without screaming."

He kept coming closer until my back hit the wall.

"Malfoy, you are too close..."

This come out more like an whisper. Why was he making me feel like this. I don't like feeling like this. I feel pathetic. I don't like being pathetic. I hate being pathetic. He make me feel like that. He make me feel pathetic. I hate him.

Our faces were now just inches away. I could feel his warm breath blowing in my face.

I didn't even notice I was starting to squeeze the towel around me as tightly as I could.

He raised his hand and put it on my cheek stroking him gently.

His gray eyes seemed to penetrate my soul. The smell of mint and citrus is already poisoning my lungs.

Never in my entire life have I been this close to Draco. What I can say? I'm not complaining either.

My gaze runs away from his eyes to his lips. Some pink lips, so beautiful.

Was he gonna kiss me?

What if he dose?

I never have my first kiss...

It's he gonna be my first kiss?

Why do I overthink so much?

Why isn't he doing anything?

Then he spoke.

"I got you a new book.. "

His words wher so soft. I could stay and hear him speaking for ages and I will not get sick of his voice.

He gives me the book and then thurns to leave.


He stopped and looked at me.


"Thank you, for the book..."

"it was my foult you lost it in the first"

"I wasn't looking wher I was going"

"I know"

"that means it's not your foult"

"I know"

He start walking again

"Oh, and L/N?"

"yes, Draco?"

"Maybe you'd like to put some clothes on. You never know when someone's going to walk into your room."


Then I remember that I was just in a tower. Fuck. I hate him.

He just left. And I was still sitting there. My back on the wall. I couldn't breathe.
I couldn't think. I couldn't move.

What is this boy doing to me?


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