The Beginning

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Cruella's POV,

The saying goes, that no ones ever born evil, they're made evil. Well the truths are lies, and lies are truths. So why don't we delve into my story, shall we darlings.

From the very beginning, I realised I saw the world differently from everyone else. That didn't sit well with some people. Wrong is right, and right is wrong I suppose. I could never really fit in, nor did I ever want to. I was a black sheep or should I say dog, in a field of white, one of a kind, a new idea.

From a young age, I was enthralled in the world of fashion, the uniqueness, the freedom to do what one wanted, but it seemed not everyone understood my style. But that didn't bother me I set my goals and knew what I would be.

When my mother died, because of me, right long story short, mother went to a party to get help from an old friend, I couldn't stay put in the car, ended up ruining/destroying the party, whilst being chased by three, very big Dalmatians to outside, where they ran past me and knocked my mother over a cliff, because I couldn't just wait in the car. 

My dreams then sorely plummeted to the ground. I was an orphan, alone in London, with no family, no friends and no where to stay. Well until I chased to boys, who had been caught stealing, and followed them all the way to their hideout. They took me in, and by they I mean: Jasper and Horace. Try as they might, they were both still imbeciles, but they were now my imbeciles.

I did get a job with these two, well the job sort of came with the lifestyle. I was now a thief and I must say a good one at that. Illegal perhaps, but only if you got caught. Which we never did. Life became almost routine, in a way. I design the outfits, we steal, I design, we steal, design, steal and so on.

It's ten years now, and not much has changed.  We still do the same routine, but all three of us had grown, both physically and mentally. 
Actually scrap that last part, it was really only me, who had grown mentally, Jasper and especially Horace lets just say um...... They're still the two idiots I had met at the fountain all those years ago. Yet they were the two brothers I never had, nor entirely wished for.

But like we all say, you can't pick and choose your family.

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