Regency park

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Estella's POV,

"She liked my window Jasper, she liked my window," What a day today had been. I woke up in the window display after making it look so much better, then I had been fired, next thing I know, The Baroness, entered Liberty and she liked my window, so much so she gave me a job, I still can't quite believe it.

"I'm happy for you, truly I am," Jasper told me and he seemed truly happy for me, "and it's all because of you," I was so grateful to Jasper I wouldn't ever be able to put it into words. "Nah," Jasper brushed of and then the next thing I heard and saw, just made me laugh.

"So this was the angle," Horace exclaimed as he turned round wearing the sunglasses and cape that he had stolen from liberty. The site of Horace wearing those items sent me doubling over in laughter, and I ended up falling off my chair and onto the floor, in pure laughter.

I went to sleep early that night, so that I was well rested and up early for my first day of work tomorrow. Though I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to sleep, because I was just far to excited for what tomorrow had in store.

About a day later- At the fountain,

Me and buddy were currently sat at the fountain, with our tea cups, I came to come tell mum about how the Baroness said I was something, I'm that's a good thing right, Well I couldn't be happier, everything seemed to be going perfectly.

I had finally achieved my dream job and I actually do a good job at it, in all honesty everything seemed perfect. I always came to talk to mum at the Regency Park fountain, you know keeping her updated with how my life going, and that I've actually been able to make something of myself.

The park was eerily quiet today, no one seemed to be around, not even the usually police officer doing his rounds, that was odd, but I wasn't going to question it. The quiet, I actually enjoyed, it allowed me to think clearer and Buddy seemed to enjoy it as well. Buddy was currently sat up next to me, cheekily taking a drink out of the fountain every once in a while.

The next thing that happened sent shock waves down my spine. "Good Morning Miss," I heard a voice from right behind. The voice scared the life out of me and I nearly ended up falling in to the fountains waters. Though I never made an impact, with what I'm sure would have been, ice cold waters, even though it was reaching spring here in England.

Thankfully I was saved by a firm grip on my shoulder, before I went crashing into a very hard concrete surface. "I'm so sorry miss, I didn't mean to spook you or anything," From the sound of the strangers voice, it was definitely a woman, and her voice sounded like bells and music all at the same time. 

"It's quite fine, I'm so much of a klutz, that I'm sure I would have gone swimming from a bird flapping it's wings." I babbled on in embarrassment, and as I did I turned round to meet the face of my 'saviour.'  God she was cute, I shut up Estella, but she really was, the woman who had saved me from walking home soaking wet, had the most lovely raven curls, but really stuck out, to me anyway, was her terribly unique eye color, her eyes were black but also had a lovely intwining dark red color, that made them special.

For God's sake Estella you don't even know the woman, I mentally scorned myself, yes this woman was very very pretty but I don't even know her name. "Well at least your not soaked," She laughed slightly but I felt she seemed slightly uncomfortable talking to me. 

"I'm Estella by the way," I told the raven haired lady as I outstretched my hand for her to shake. "Nice to meet you Estella, I'm Calista," wow Calista I've never heard a name like that before, "Oh and this is Buddy by the way," I said holding my arms out and showing off Buddy in the process. "It's nice to meet you to Buddy," Calista laughed as she went to stroke Buddy behind the ear, which he happily accepted, as he shook his tale in approval.

The silence between me and Calista became evident, as neither of us spoke for some time, clearly neither of us knew where to take the conversation from here. "Sooo.....What are you doing in the park?" I decided to ask, as she had been the only other person to be here, asides from me and Buddy. "Oh I like coming to the back about once a week, to do some writing for my next paper," oh so she was a writer how exciting, Kind of, "are so your a reporter, which firm do you work for?" "Oh I work for the Guardian, London," Calista told me as she continued to stand, as I just sat in my original place.

"Well I've really enjoyed our chat Estella, but i'm going to be late for work I better go," Calista stated in a rushed tone, wait she works on a Sunday, and I thought the Baroness was harsh when it came to working day, clearly not, "That's no problem, it was nice to meet you Calista," She must be in a rush because she was already setting off, "It was nice to meet you as well, Estella, I hope to see you again," she shouted back to me as she turned around whilst walking.

Just before she finished her sentence I pointed behind her franticly before she knocked into someone, thankfully she turned just in time, and we both started laughing. I don't know what it was but, I was truly excited and praying to God that we would bump into each other again, I would sure love to get to know her better, perhaps we could be friends.

Here we are, A new update, I'm sorry for the wait but it's out now, I hope you all enjoyed and yay Calista and estella have both met know, I wonder what could happen next. Will they both still get along, when Calista finds out who Estella works for, or will it be an end to a new friendship. You'll have to wait and see. Until next time my darling readers.

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