one way love - heerry

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"Heejin, can you stop staring at her? It's fucking disturbing..." A girl with recently dyed red hair told the aforementioned while she took out her gym bag from her locker.

"She is just so pretty, Hyun... Look at her. She's so angelic, so gentle, so..." Heejin was staring at the object of her affections with literal hearts in her eyes.

"Feminine?" Hyunjin finished for her, used to Heejin's constant rantings about Yerim.

"Yes!! So delicate like a flower, nothing like those disgusting alphas that surround her and want inside her pants... Fucking hate them..." Heejin expressed her distaste for alphas and Hyunjin just sighed in frustration.

"You remember I'm also an alpha, right?" Hyunjin asked her childhood friend slightly offended.

"You're different, Hyun... You don't reek like them and you aren't a sex-crazed maniac who wants to knot every omega in school..." Heejin explained.

"Are you sure about that? Just because I'm in a committed relationship with Jiwoo and you're used to my smell doesn't mean I'm not like them..." Hyunjin was getting a bit tired of Heejin's blatant distaste for alphas. Not all of them were terrible. They just had a bad reputation.

"Whatever... Let's concentrate on Yerim..." Heejin ignored Hyunjin's words and continued grinning like an idiot while she contemplated the girl of her dreams.

Hyunjin chose not to say anything further as it was in vain once Heejin was in 'stalker mode'. She waved goodbye at her, knowing that the girl would not even look at her. Hell, and she dared to say all alphas were awful when Heejin was proving to be a very impolite omega who couldn't even say goodbye to her best friend.

Jeon Heejin was an omega in her last year of high school. She was fairly popular because of her striking beauty but she kept mostly to herself because she despised alphas, which was pretty ironic given the fact that she was an omega and it was expected from her to like them. Nobody knew why she hated them so much, yet she was very vocal about her hatred towards them.

If Heejin was being honest with herself. She couldn't really pinpoint the reason why she disliked alphas so much. Was it their smell? Was it their cockiness? Was it their privilege? Was it because they kept bombarding her with love letters and confessions? Or was it because of a certain appendage they had between their legs? Yes, that was it. She found it repugnant that girls could have dicks. It irked her and it made her nauseous just thinking about a supposedly male appendage dangling between womanly legs.

Because of her 'beliefs', it was not surprising that she was crushing on the most feminine omega at school, Choi Yerim. Yerim was every alpha's fantasy and Heejin's too, of course. Yerim was the epitome of perfection. She was gorgeous with long wavy brown locks cascading down her shoulders, a radiant smile that put the brightening sun to shame, an athletic but curvaceous figure, just the perfect size of breasts and wide hips for breeding. She was also the student council's president and every teacher's pet.

Heejin could howl like a hungry wolf at the thought of Yerim. In fact, she had done so on more than one occasion much to the embarrassment of Hyunjin and her girlfriend Jiwoo. Still, her silly display of obvious liking towards the beautiful omega had made her presence known and now Yerim acknowledged her existence. As mere acquaintances, though, but Heejin was hopeful.

Heejin was certain that Yerim knew she liked her, if the love letters she left at her locker were not evident enough, it would have to be the poems she recited to her in the hallways. However, she had never received more than a heartwarming smile from Yerim and a thank you. She blamed the hierarchical system for Yerim's implicit rejection but she wouldn't give up. One way or another, omega or not omega, Yerim would be hers. It was a promise.

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