Chapter 13: Resourceful

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Speck: Are you sure that this is a good idea Y/N?

Y/N: Not really, but I'm trying my best to think of new ways to do this work.

I had spent a little bit of time perfecting and learning how to use magic and I think I was getting on quite well!

Obviously not on the level of Diana but then again I never would be able to get on her level when it comes to magic.

Speck: Well it's only books so I doubt you'd badly injure yourself, but do be careful young master!

I nod my head and take out the wand that I had been given and begin to really concentrate and see the books begin to glow as I try my hardest to lift them.

I was straining so hard I could feel myself sweating until I finally got too tired and dropped my wand and fell on my butt. Looking up all the books fell around me and one or two landed on my head.

Y/N: Ow yeah maybe that wasn't the best idea...

I hear a giggle come from across the library and look up to see a girl with brown hair tied into a bun smiling at me. I flashed a quick smile back and she made her way over to me.

???: Hehe! I'd say that's a pretty good first attempt!

She crouches down and picks up some of the books.

???: But obviously there's still room for improvement!

She smiles at me and presents me with one of her hands.

Bice: I'm Bice by the way. You're Diana's boyfriend right?

Y/N: Y-yeah that's right! I'm Y/N! Nice to meet you!

I take her hand and gently shake it.

Bice: That's a lovely name! And it's nice to meet you too!

I smile back and watch her stand up with the pile of books.

Bice: I don't have much to do at the moment, so I think I could help you two out with all this!

Speck: That would be very kind of you miss!

Bice grins at Speck and she walks over to put the books on the shelf. I pick up more of the books and walk over next to her.

Bice: I just wanted to apologise to you. Everyone has treated you unfairly so far.

Y/N: Y-yeah i-it did make me feel insecure, but I won't hold it against you!

Bice: G-Good! I just wanted to make sure that it didn't affect you too much! When I see you with Diana you look so happy!

I smile and hear her giggle again.

Bice: It's cute...!

I turned to see her blushing a little after she said that and she was looking forward into the bookcase organising the books.

I smiled a little and turned to organise the books that I took.

I did have a feeling that some of the other girls would have a crush on me and it seemed that Bice might do.

I sure as hell wasn't going to cheat on Diana but I did feel a bit bad that she was crushing on me and I wasn't available.

But I knew that in the future she'd definitely find someone much better than me! I still didn't know why Diana even did want to be my girlfriend after all!


As the afternoon went on I tried my hardest to complete my work using magic, but time and again found myself running out of magical energy in my battery and having to wait for it to recharge.

My Guardian Angel (A LWA Fanfic) {Diana Cavendish x Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now