Veer's reality 4

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Sorry for the late.

Flashback continues...

Bani was passing through the corridor, she saw something in Veer's room. She stood there and observed what he was doing.

Veer's room.

Veer is sitting in the bed and reading something. Some books are scattered around him on the bed.


B:(mind) What he is reading? Novel? Hey.. No.. No.. Something looks like... (Bani adjusted her focus on the book) Diary!!

B(mind): He is reading diary!

Flashback's  flashback.

One day.

Bani's room

Bani is reading her old diary(childhood one) . She is laughing in between reading it.

Veer came to her room,but Bani is unaware of his arrival. So he decided to scare her. He takes a pillow from the  bed *Bani is lying horizontally facing window and Veer is standing back.

He  throws it on her head. Bani screamed. She turned back.

B: What the fu*k!

She gets angry by seeing Veer who is laughing at her. She takes the pillow and throws it on him. But Veer got saved from it.  She takes another one and throws on him. But this time Veer catched it and tries to control his laugh.

V: Sorry.. Meri sweetheart..

Bani turned her face. Veer gets on to the bed. *Bani is sitting now. Veer sat on the bed facing her.

V: Look I said Sorry..

B: I don't want your sorry.

Bani starts reading her diary to ignore him. Veer snatched it from her.

B: Veer..

V: Diary..! Why are you reading these old diaries?

B: Its take me to our old memories..

V: Do you want this diary to remember our sweet old memories? Shame on you Bani.. 😕.

B: Nothing like that.. But I love tobread this.

V: But I am opposing it. I don't need a diary to remember our memories, because its here (He pointed his heart)  not here(He pointed her his head).

B: Awww.. Bani made a cute pout.

Veer pecked on it. Bani blushed.

They starts recollecting their old sweet memories.

Flashback's flashback ends.

Bani decided to ask him about it. She entered in and cleared her throat. Veer looked up from the diary.

B: What are you doing?

V: Can't you see, I am reading my diaries.

B: Why?

V: Why are you asking too much questions? (Irritated)

B: You said that you don't like reading diaries, they why now?

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