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Sorry for the late. I was busy.

There is a twist in this story, wait for it😉.
Any guesses🤔?

Let's start.

Night, 9:30 pm.

Bani's room.

Bani is reading a book. She is fully engaged in it. She is reading "The Beloved".

Suddenly she got amessage. Bani picked her phone and checks the message. A smile appears on her face.
Message is from her bf "R". She opened it and read it.

B: Shall we go for a ride?

Bani typed "Yes My dear... 😍😍😘😘😘. Before she could sent it, someone calls her.

B: Why he is calling me?

Bani picked it.

B: Hello, Veeerr..

V: Come to my room, right now..

B: Why?

V: Do what I said..

B: Errhhh.... (Bani groaned) Oh shit.. What about our (Bani and R') ride..😔 (She said in low voice )

V: What! Ride? No ride wide... Come to my room..

Veer cuts the call. Bani throws her phone on the bed.

Bani became disappointed and angry. She takes her phone and went to his room.

Bani knocked and Veer gave her permission.

Veer's room.

B: What happened? Why did you call me?

V: Did you finished your work at hospital?

B: Haan..

V: Then where are the reports?

B: I had already send it.

V: But I didn't get it..

B: Check your email 😏.

V: Come and check it. Show me..

Bani stamped her foot and went towards Veer. Veer is sitting in the chair near table. His laptop is on that table. Bani leaned towards the laptop.

Bani is checking the email box. Veer takes his hands and touched her waist. Bani looked at him and glared.

B: Take off your hands.

V: Do your work...

Bani searched her email. Veer was about to grab her waist, but befire that Bani stand straight.

B: Look at there, there it is..

Veer looked at the laptop.

V: Oh...

B: Shall I move?

V: Why so urgent?

B: Because my.... I have to go somewhere.

V: Where? And what was that ride?

B: Me and my bf decided to go to a ride.

V: This night?

B: Haan. Is there any problem to you?

V: No...

B: Then what?

Bnai went out from his room and went to her room..

Bani's room.

She entered in the room.

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