Chapter 1

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You become the person you pretend to be when you least expect it to. At least that's what you thought. You always become the one thing you never thought you would become until placed under pressure. Which she did to herself all the time. After all, the light path of unconscious tendencies was accumulated by your own intense desires. Desires to become a better person or at the very least, have a better understanding of the accursed world you were forced to live in.

A society where there were different types of people. The ones unaware of the sorcerers side to society. The ones who are a part of said society. And the ones who aren't human. You know, the ones that curse people. Whisper sweet-nothings into people's ears to make them believe their life is no longer worth living. Or at the very least, feeding on their negative emotions. Fear. Anger. Sadness. Those emotions were like power to them. It made everyone else weak, and them stronger.

Almost as if society worked on a hierarchy. I mean, it was obvious that it was, but a separate hierarchy to the rich and the poor. Or the weak and the strong. Though it tied very strongly into the weak and strong. Because most humans, minus sorcerers, are weak in the eyes of the enemy. The enemy being one they cannot see. Yet you can. Many others sure as well can. But you were unaware of this fact. How many people were really out there that were just like you? 1 in 10? 1 in 100? Maybe even a smaller statistic than that. 1 in a million? It was a possibility. One you had surely thought about often.

People who could see curses ended up being tied down by labels. That's why you believed anyway. Because majority of the people who can see curses, are sorcerers. People with abilities that exceeds that of a normal human being. Yet they were still just as human as everybody else. They felt pain. Felt emotions. They were just more able beings than normal humans.

Yes, you could see curses and yes you had abilities of your own. But you weren't tied down by labels. You were well-aware of the sorcery society but weren't willing to be labelled as one yourself. You worked alone. Secretly of course within your own town. Your hometown. You believed someone had to protect it. And rather sorcerers protect it, you vowed to do so yourself.

You lived in a small town near Sendai called Taihaku-ku. A town you'd grown up in and grown rather fond of. A town you were secretly protecting at night like it's hero. With absolutely no recognition for doing so. Which you didn't mind because it isn't exactly something you can be thanked for. How do people thank someone from saving them from something they cannot see?

It was a regular occurrence for you. When night fell, you'd go into the town in the search for curses to reduce death rates within your town. You couldn't prevent things like murder or death normally, but at the very least you can dispose of curses who do pose a greater threat. Because only sorcerers can dispel of them.

However, on your patrol you sadly bumped into two sorcerers. Two of which you hadn't seen before. You went to walk past them but they suddenly stopped you. You were unsure why so just thought they'd be asking for directions.

"This may sound like a weird question but have you seen anything out of the ordinary lately?" The taller male asked.

"Depends on your definition of the word." You asked.

"Things you know shouldn't be here." The other answered.

"Oh so things like curses?" You ask in an innocent manner.

Both males nod so you elaborate slightly.

"Recently, well, mainly the last week there have been curses popping up in the village. At the nearby hospital. Always at night. Always the same time. targeting the people leaving the hospital after visiting hours." You explain.

"Do you know which hospital?" The white haired male asks.

"Essa International." You reply.

The white haired male rubbed the nape of his neck before you posed a question to him.

"You don't know where that is, do you?" You posed.

"No." The white haired male replied.

You sighed and decided to show them to the hospital, even though you were planning on dealing with this situation yourself. You had no choice but to show them the way, eventually arriving outside.

"This is the hospital. I reckon the curse itself isn't rated high but isn't rated low." You say.

"I see you know a good deal about the jujutsu society." The white haired male pointed out.

"Being well-versed doesn't mean anything." You counter.

"That may be so, but you're well-versed in something used to protect the human population." The white haired man counters back towards you.

"Knowledge may be power but not in every situation. Sometimes power is stronger than knowledge. Take now, without power, could you really fight that curse?" You say, the curses body already falling limp on the floor.

The two before you saw the curse and looked at you, mouths ever-so-slightly agape.

"Did I miss something?" The younger male said.

"It seems we both did." The white haired male replies.

"My point exactly. Knowledge may be power, but did knowledge help in this situation? A little, yes. But power was the ultimate thing that brought down that curse." You said, walking away from the two sorcerers.

Once you left, the two sorcerers were sat there, trying to decipher what had just taken place. It was obvious to them you had sorcery abilities. But whether or not you were willing to use those to protect all of Japan rather than just one village was entirely up to you.

"It's obvious that she's strong. And rather knowledgeable. But is she willing to become a jujutsu sorcerer?" The white haired male questioned aloud.

"Sensei, in all due respect, she gave off a sort of air to her that she doesn't wish to be associated with such diligent things. Such as sorcery." The ravenette commented.

"Which is why I'm giving you a mission." The white haired male says.

"What sort of mission?" The ravenette sighs.

"Finding any form of way to get her to join jujutsu tech. Her knowledge and power could prove to be an asset for us." The white haired male explained.

"And what if she doesn't wish to?" The ravenette posed.

"Find a way." The white haired male replied, standing up, and heading straight for the train station.

"I should've seen this coming." The ravenette sighed before following after his Sensei.

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