Chapter 5

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"Nothing really, just... I want to make a difference I guess..." You reply.

"Heh... how'd you suddenly decide that?" Itadori asked.

"I just did, okay?" You reply.

"Alright. I won't pry." Itadori said, waving his hands in defeat.

"You know Sensei will ask why you changed your mind, right?" Megumi says.

"I know that and honestly... I don't want to say. It was more of an impulse decision, you know?" You reply.

"Yeah I know what you mean." Megumi replies.

"So, what made you choose to learn jujutsu if you didn't want to be a sorcerer in the first place?" Itadori asks.

You stayed silent for the first time on the walk to jujutsu tech, catching the attention of both males. To be honest, you always told yourself you learnt jujutsu to protect your village. Or, was it only because your family were sorcerers and you wanted to find out why they all disappeared off the face of the earth.

Eventually, you gathered the courage to answer.

"To be honest, I don't know. I feel like I've been lying to myself as to why I started the path I currently walk. My mind is a daze as to the real reason. I always told myself it was to protect my village. But honestly, I'm starting to think it was just to protect myself..." You reply.

Both males didn't pry any other. Even though it looked obvious that Itadori wanted to, he didn't. For your sake. Megumi understood what you were trying to say but didn't question the parts he couldn't decipher. I mean, how do you really reply to that? That was all that was on his mind. He thought best to leave that conversation where it stood. And was desperately trying to think of another to start.

"So, what introduced you to jujutsu then?" Itadori asked.

"I taught myself one day when I saw these weird creatures, that I know now as curses, lingering in my village. You?" You answer.

"I was in an occult club. And they decided to peel the seal from the cursed finger at the school... which I ate." He replied.

"And that was foolish." You quickly remark.

"Foolish or not, it saved my life." Megumi pointed out.

"That may be the case, but how long before the higher-ups find a way to dispose of Itadori?" You remark.

"Okay, good point." Megumi replies.

"Does your family do jujutsu sorcery?" Itadori asked.

"To be honest, I don't know." You reply.

"You don't?" Megumi asks.

"No." You reiterate and quicken your pace so you're walking alone.

The two boys stood still for a brief pause in time. Not knowing what to say or do. It was rather uncommon, but not rare, for people to be estranged from their family. But knowing nothing at all? That was the piece that didn't fit the puzzle. Megumi inferred that you most likely were not raised by your biological family. Yet, he could tell family was a touchy subject for you.

Itadori on the other hand, was clueless in this situation. He had no idea what was going on right now. Sure, he found it odd for you to be estranged from your family - by inference - but he also didn't quite understand the position you were in. I mean, how could he? You've only just met. He wouldn't even go as far as to call you an acquaintance considering you've only had one brief conversation.

Not caring to divulge more into your private life, you kept walking ahead of the two boys to hopefully avoid any further confrontation or conversation regarding the matter at hand. Luckily for you, you soon arrived at Jujutsu Tech.

"You know Gojo-Sensei will have a field day now that you're here, right?" Megumi said as you stepped foot onto the school premises.

"Yeah. I gathered." You sighed.

Upon arriving, Gojo soon arrived at the front gates. Seeing three people rather than just Megumi and Itadori.

"So you finally decided to join, huh? I knew you'd come around eventually." Gojo-Sensei said with a smirk.

"Don't think for a second that I'm doing this to benefit you. I'm doing this to gain something out of it." You sigh.

"Oh really? And what's that?" Gojo-Sensei teases.

"I want to find out what I can about my family. Anything that's helpful." You say, head held high.

"I see. You know what you might find might not be pretty, right? Are you prepared for that?" Gojo-Sensei asks.

"I'm perfectly fine with it. I want to know as much as I can. Even if it's ugly. The truth normally is." You say, causing Megumi and Gojo-Sensei to be taken aback.

"I mean, you're not wrong. Sometimes the truth can be pretty." Gojo-Sensei says.

"Very, and I mean very rarely." You say.

"Look, fair enough you wanted me here for your own benefit, but I have things to do." You add, walking off.

"You don't even know where the dorms are." Gojo-Sensei says, stopping you in your tracks.

"Fine. Show me where they are then." You say, quick to remark.

Gojo sent Megumi after you to show you where the dorms where. After arriving there, you gave him a quick "thank you" and then closing the door. You turned on the light and placed the bag down on the bed, emptying it. You gathered all of your important papers and spread them on the desk so you could go back to doing your research. You were so eager to improve your jujutsu and find your family. Everything else was always put on the back burner.

You never really socialised. So had very few friends. You spent pretty much all of your time locked up in your room studying. Though you chose to do that. You wanted to be the strongest you could be so you could protect your village through thick and thin. No matter what you did, you always vowed to protect it. You even dropped out of school at a really young age just to protect those around you. You taught yourself everything you knew to this day. And never once did you regret it.

Because you always grew up with the principal "the truth is ugly, but deep down, anyone can find some beauty in it."

I know it's not exactly the longest of chapters but here, have a chapter cos I'm depressed over Tokyo Revengers. For me, it's Banana Fish all over again. I'm not gonna spoil anything so if you know what I mean, then you know. Please don't spoil it in the comments for anyone. Thank you.


Now if you don't mind me, I'm gonna go either cry in a corner or write more chapters for Signs of the past.

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