Chapter 3

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Just like to say that the request book is still up and still open. So feel free to make any requests if you want.

Waiting on the platform, the ravenette sat there seeming to be deep in thought. You wanted to ask him what he was thinking about, but didn't know how to start that conversation.

"So what exactly is the purpose of your mission? Not the one aimed at trying to get me to join jujutsu tech." You ask, breaking the silence between the two of you.

"To locate a cursed object." He replies.

"If my knowledge serves me right, this object has been there a long while. So that seal that has been placed onto it, I highly doubt it'll be able to keep curses away for much longer." You add on.

"You seem to know a great deal about this cursed object." He comments.

"I have done my own research, you know? It belongs to the king of curses, correct?" You ask.

"Yeah. Do you know about the king of curses?" He asks.

"Of course. His reign was... well, quite a bloody one. He was dispelled and split into 20 fingers which have been preserved in grave wax. As well as a seal being placed onto it as well." You reply.

"I still don't get it." He says sort of changing the topic.

"Get what?" You ask, confused.

"Why you're so adamant on keeping your distance from the jujutsu society." He replies.

"Why I keep my distance? Surely that's obvious. Your higher-ups are conniving bastards. Not only that, but they're extremely biased as well. I would just be used to their advantage. I much prefer working alone." You reply.

"I understand that, but there are a lot of things you can't do alone." He comments.

"Like what? I've done just fine up until now. I've survived. Yes, sometimes barely but I'm still here. Still standing." You comment.

He fell back into silence before the train announced the next stop.

"You do your thing, and I'll do mine." You comment, standing up as the train comes to a halt.

"That's not how this works. You're just here to observe." He remarks.

"Then don't blame me for inputting my insight." You remark back.

"Fine by me." He replies.

You followed behind him and eventually arrived at a high school. Heading on to the grounds, you followed behind the ravenette before arriving at an outdoor storage box.

"Who's bright idea was it to store a cursed object here?" You sigh.

"That, I don't know." He replied.

He opened the box to reveal it empty.

"If it's empty then..." You pause, thinking for a second.

"What?" He asks.

"What sort of high school club would be interested in this?" You ask.

"You think a club has the finger?" He asks.

"Yes. Oh!" You say, a light bulb moment taking place. "An occult club. There has to be one here. It's the only other thing I could think of. No other being would want something like that so we can assume an occult club's interest has been piqued because of it." You comment.

"Knowledge and quick thinking like this is always helpful in the jujutsu society." He remarks.

"I've always been a quick thinker." You say before heading into the school building.

Once near the entrance to the school, you stopped. Your Shikigami also stopping and barking at the entrance.

"What now?" The ravenette asks.

"Nothing. I just have an eerie feeling. Aki senses cursed energy." You comment.

"From inside the building?" He asks.

"Yeah. And it's not a person." You say before running inside the building.

After a while of running with the ravenette shouting at you to slow down, you finally reached a floor where a girl was being held by a curse.

"Sen no taiyou no honoo: saisho no form." You muttered.

("Sen no taiyou no honoo: saisho no form" translates to "Flames of a thousand suns: first form.")

Once muttering said words under your breath, a flaming sword was soon adorning your grasp. You charged towards the curse, cutting one of it's arms so it would loosen the grip on the girl before getting sent flying backwards, knocking you off your balance ever-so-slightly. As you recovered, someone came flying through the window, landing a solid kick on the curse.

"You idiot! Someone like you can't defeat a curse without cursed energy." You shout at him.

"You could've told me sooner." He replied.

"How? This is the first time we've met." You sigh.

"Oh yeah-" He says, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Oi! Watch your back!" You shout before throwing your sword at the curse.

"Thanks." The pink haired boy said.

The pink haired boy continued to fight the curse with you aiding him as well before the fight was brought outside. And the pink haired boy doing something stupid when choices are limited.

"Did he just eat the cursed finger? That's gross." You comment.

"If he survives that, he'll be a vessel." The ravenette commented.

"And what's wrong with- oh... the higher-ups would order his execution if they found out about this." You say, cutting yourself off mid-sentence when you realised.

"So we'd have to end it all." The ravenette addressed you.

"Woah! This has nothing to do with me." You say, slightly annoyed.

"Megumi. You look worse for wear." The white haired male comments out of nowhere.

"You!" You say, pointing a finger at the male.

"Oh so you did come in the end." He says, aiming the statement at you. "Megumi. Did you find the finger?" The white haired male asks.

"Actually, she found it." Megumi pauses.

"And I ate it." The pink haired male adds on.

"For real?" The white haired male asks.

"For real." You, Megumi, and the pink haired male say in unison.

"Ohh so he really did merge with Sukuna." The white haired male exclaims.

"Erm... who's Sukuna?" The pink haired male asks.

"To cut a long story short, he's the king of demons. Who was split up on purpose and you've just awakened him." You sigh.

"Oh-" The pink haired male says.

"Oh, indeed." The white haired male copies.

"So what now?" The pink haired male asks.

"That's up to you. And Megumi. And the girl." The white haired male says.

No pressure, right?

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