felt alive and i can't complain

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Hello. Umm yeah this took a while lol, but here it is! If you want to contact me more easily, I'm fairly active on my tumblr (https://chironshorseass.tumblr.com), where I dump my thoughts and shower everyone with brain rot <3

Let me know what you think of this update!


"Why are we doing this?" Triton hissed, making sure only Poseidon could hear.

Both deities, plus Rhode and Amphitrite, were currently in a small antechamber, waiting to announce the elephant—or rather—demigod in the room. Amphitrite, bouncing around the bundle in her arms, gave Poseidon a reassuring smile.

The god sighed. "You know why, Triton. We have to give the official news, sooner or later, about the new, er, addition to the family."

"That's the thing, Father." The merman glared at the baby swaddled in sea silk. "We can just get rid of him, save us all the trouble."

"And lose our chance to be the center of a prophecy?" Rhode said, looking up from her seat of an abalone shell.

She was the most formally dressed for the occasion, with her hair in an updo held by hundreds of seashells and her dress intricately woven to appear like the ocean itself. The princess noticed their uncertain gazes aimed at her for the first time. She was underestimated, like always.

"What? Father was right to bring the mortal here. We can raise him to become a good hero that will benefit us when the time comes. And anyway, what if Uncle already sired a demigod?

"It's been too long since The Pact, and frankly, he just can't be bothered to keep it in his pants." She shrugged, mainly addressing Triton at this point. "I think we should put that jealousy aside and think—for the first time, apparently—about what we are dealing with here."

The siblings locked eyes. Rhode's sharp and cold; Triton's warming to crimson red, no longer their green hue.

"Well," Amphitrite breathed, trying to calm the moment. "I think they are calling for us to head out."

Poseidon said nothing. Only calmly watched as Percy struggled against Amphitrite's arms. He ignored the water's rising temperature and his wife's pleading glances. It didn't matter, not when his mind was set on presenting his demigod son to the kingdom. The boy was here to stay, and Poseidon thought it useless to get involved in his childrens' argument.

"You're not considering that the Thing—"

"Oh, please." Rhode waved Triton off dismissively. "You sound stupid calling our brother 'Thing'. Ever considered that he has a name?"

"Ah, yes. Perseus. To destroy. I suppose that mortal fancied him to be the cause of our downfall." He fixed his wrathful gaze on Poseidon. "What a woman you decided to associate with, don't you think, Father? Must be nice to have made such a mistake."

He met Triton's eyes, and for a moment, all was quiet. Poseidon could already feel his trident glowing with energy.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me," Triton said, not at all fazed by the Sea God's reaction.

"Sally Jackson," Poseidon spat, "was a remarkable mortal. She had no fault in any of this, and you disrespecting her memory is a treasonous act."

Triton scoffed. "Yes, yes. You're right. She is not at fault; you are. And such a wonderful mortal she was, giving you a fucking bastard that we are now responible for—"

"You do not talk that way about Perseus, either," he seethed, flinging his trident toward his son faster than lightning. Amphitrite flinched. "And as long as I'm the ruler, you follow my rules."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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