pretty on the throne

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So I don't like wattpad that much, sorry. But I felt like putting my stories here for some reason. I don't know if anyone's going to read this, but that's why I'm doing it lol. Just to see.The chapter title is from the song The Love Club by Lorde. So without further a do, this is my sea prince au, hope you enjoy:)


The storm hit with such force that it shook the world. He stood there, gazing down at the broken woman lying next to all the debris, almost unrecognizable compared to when she was alive. But the baby next to her was in perfect condition. He had saved the infant, but he had been too late for the mother. He tilted his head up to the heavens and let out an agonizing scream. Rain battered down against him.

"Why? She was innocent!" But it was no use. The damage had been done. He crouched down and gently stroked the woman's hair. "Sally," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "For as long as I can, I will keep him safe. I swear it on the River Styx."

Thunder boomed as he picked up the baby, looked back one last time at the carnage that had once been an airplane, and dissolved into ocean mist.


"And even though Athena became the patron goddess of Athens, your father was still very much venerated," Percy's tutor, Eldoris, rambled on. He was an old merman, and had been one of Poseidon's advisers since—well, Percy wasn't sure how long. The only thing Percy was certain of was that Eldoris had a special talent of boring him to death.

Rhode once told him it was because of his hyperactive mortal brain, whatever that meant. But as Eldoris spoke, the words seemed to float around Percy's head, not quite forming into anything. His vision unfocused until all he could see was a blur of blue.

Eldoris cleared his throat, snapping Percy out of his reverie. "Must you always lose focus? This is important for you to know, Perseus," his tutor said.

Percy sighed and pinched his fingers down against the bridge of his nose. "Please. I go by Percy. Everyone knows that. And besides, I already know this story. Why do we have to go over it for gods know how many times?"

Eldoris raised a bushy eyebrow. "Because it is important for you to understand the Dry World's history. That's what most land heroes need to know to survive. You will soon become one."

Percy rolled his eyes and rested his cheek against his hand. "I don't plan on becoming a land hero, thank you very much," he grumbled. The old merman regarded him skeptically. Percy was tired of seeing those looks when he expressed his hatred towards his "supposed" future.

"Personally, I do not like it either, my prince. Land people are terribly selfish. I don't see why heroes need to preserve them. But it is your destiny."

He grunted and desperately looked for a way out. Over by the small reef garden, he spotted Triton, amusement evident on his expression. Ah, thank the gods.

Percy made a face, as if imploring him to help. When Triton only smirked, he stuck his tongue out at him.

He glanced back at Eldoris, who had also noticed Triton. "Oh, um, look. I think they're calling me. Sorry, El, gotta go!" His tutor opened his mouth to protest, but Percy quickly swam away before the merman could stop him.

"You should give that old mer a break," Triton said as Percy came closer. He whipped his head back to where he and Eldoris had been sitting, but found only a bare rock.

Percy looked at Triton inquisitively. "Aren't you, like, the father of merfolk?"

"You got me there. I probably beat him by about two millennia."

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