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Annabeth was hanging upside down by the legs. Polyphemus had gotten her. She had a big cut on her forehead, and her eyes were glassy.

Percy suggested fighting the cyclops while Clarisse and Grover readied the ship.

"No way. We'll take him together," Clarisse growled.

"Yeah," Grover agreed with her. That was a first for him.

So Percy told them the plan.

When Clarisse and Grover had hidden out of sight, he hefted his sword and shouted, "Hey, Ugly!"

His brother whirled toward him. " Another one? Who are you?"

" I'm Nobody. Put down my friend. She didn't insult you. Come here so I can stab your eye out again!"

The cyclops roared; he dropped Annabeth. Unfortunately, she hit the rocks and lay on the ground like a rag doll.

Polyphemus barreled towards Percy, his senses now on overdrive, preparing for a fight. That's when Grover and Clarisse ran from the sides to attack.

He moved in with Riptide. The giant made a grab for Percy, but he was too quick, rolling aside and stabbing Polyphemus in the thigh.

"Get Annabeth!" he yelled to Grover.

Meanwhile Clarisse kept coming with her spear as Percy attacked from the side. He hadn't realized how good of a fighter she was, but soon they would both tire and give in to the monster. With just one hit, they would die.


It had only been two days since Percy returned to the sea from Camp Half Blood and Triton already wanted to spar with Percy again, like they did before.

He was just starting to get used to the feel of water around him again when Triton used his trident to clutch Riptide between two of the spear points and twisted.

Percy's sword flew from his hand, but didn't fall to the ground for the obvious reasons of there not being gravity. His brother kicked him in the chest—he transformed to human form whenever they sparred—and rested the three spear points to Percy's neck.

Triton clicked his tongue. "You're letting down your guard too much." He still didn't take the trident from Percy's throat.

"I'm still getting used to being underwater in general. Give me a break." Triton pushed his foot harder against his chest, and Percy tried not to wince.

"No one is going to give you a break. Not now that you're in the spotlight of both worlds. I didn't kill you because we're practicing—"

"How loving of you."

Triton rolled his eyes and let Percy go. " But you must remember this, Perce: whenever you're in a fight, you have to understand that the sea is never merciful, especially to those who will not show mercy. Do not hesitate. Think of that when you go into battle."


They were tearing through the grassy fields, hoping to get to the bridge and cross it before Polyphemus did.

They'd finally gotten to the other side and managed to cut all the ropes, but still Polyphemus had succeeded in crossing the bridge, floating about his success.

Percy's friends were flung away like flies, leaving only him and Polyphemus.

Anger boiled inside of him. He hadn't come all this way, lost Tyson, suffered through so much—only for his whiny half-brother to get in the way.

Prince of Riptide Where stories live. Discover now