vol.9: r o c k s

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"I'm not afraid, to take a stand.
Everybody, come take my hand.
We'll walk this road together,
through the storm.
Whatever weather, cold or warm.
Just letting you know that you're not alone."

- Not Afraid - Eminem


"M," Kong looked over from where he sat, working on his report.

M, who was resting on his bed with Oak to his left and me to his right, leaned forward. "Yes? What is it, Kong?"

"Where are the sheets I gave you?"

"Oh my. I left them in room 303."

"What do we do? I need them for tomorrow."

"I'll go fetch them for you tomorrow morning, then."

"But," Oak butted in, "we have to submit the report by 10:00 am. How are we going to finish it by then?"

"A deal with the devil?" I suggested, not looking up from my report which had only a paragraph and a half of text.

"Aish," M rolled his eyes, taking his pillow from behind him and smacking the back of my head with it.

"Oi, I'm injured here!" I snatched the pillow from him and tossed it at his face.

"So am I!"

"Guys," Kong interrupted us before we could get farther into our fight. "Let's go get those sheets right now."

"Kong, wait a minute," Oak told him. "Right now? It's already midnight. What about those ghosts?"

"I would love to meet a ghost," I sighed, shifting onto my side so I could prop my cheek up into my hand. "Sounds like fun."

"We can all go together," Kong suggested. "Don't be a scaredy-cat. Let me go get changed first."

M's face turned a bit pale as he looked between us. "Oak, Aspen, my leg hurts. Why you guys go with Kong?"

Oak reached over to poke at his leg. "It doesn't really hurt, does it?" M made an exaggerated sound of pain, stroking his leg and Oak laughed. "Isn't it the other leg that's hurting?"

I rolled my eyes at them, pushing myself up. "Don't worry, Kong, you can leave these scaredy-cats behind. I'll go with you."

"Are you sure you're okay to walk with the stairs?"

"Oh..." I frowned, scratching my cheek. "Might take a while to get up the stairs... I can still go with you, I'll just wait at the bottom for you."

He nodded. "Let me change quickly, I'll be right back."

Kong left the room to return to his own on the floor below. I sat up on the side of the bed, slipping my feet into my boots and lacing them up. I felt a tap on my lower back and glanced over, seeing M kicking me with his foot.

"What is it?"

"Are you really not scared?"

"Of ghosts? No. I listen to paranormal stories on YouTube all of the time, they're really fascinating."

M shivered at the thought, his nose wrinkled. "You're so weird."

"You're just jealous," I scoffed.

"Of what?"

"Uh..." I scratched my cheek, trying to think of a witty retort. "I got nothin'."

They both laughed at me and I scowled at them, smacking M's thigh. The door opened and Kong appeared, motioning toward me. I stood up and hobbled over to him, waving at the boys before leaving the room. My leg was still sore and bandaged, but it didn't hurt too bad and I could almost walk at a normal pace now. Stairs were a different story, though.

Finding My Place ⚙️ Knot (a SOTUS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now