Chapter 33

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Kakashi P.O.V

We arrived to the village two days ago. I was now on my way to see (Y/n). Why am I going to see her? Well, because I want to. There's no particular reason.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, making me think it was her but I was wrong. It was that one girl I met a long time ago, Hanare.

(In this story, they didn't have that accidental kiss in that one episode)

"Hey, Kakashi! It's nice seeing you here!" She exclaimed. "I was about to go get a drink, do you mind coming with me? You know, to catch up?"

"Uh...sure..." I just wanted to see (Y/n)...

(Y/n) P.O.V

I was happily walking on the streets of the leaf village. My goal today was to ask Kakashi to get a drink with me. It's not going to be a date though, this is training so that once I get the courage to actually ask someone out, I already know what to say.

As I turned left, I saw Kakashi. I almost called him but I noticed someone walking with him. It was a woman. She was so pretty. That ruined my good mood.

I decided to stalk them, just to make sure it's not a date. The first red flag was that they went to a cute coffee shop. I sat a few tables behind them so that I could see them. The second red flag was that the waiter only gave them one drink. That hurt.

"You okay?" I heard someone talk in behind me. I look behind and it was Genma.

"Umm...what are you doing here, Genma?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same. After all, you sat on my table." Oh...shit.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were here..."

"Is everything okay?" He asked. I wondered if I should tell him or not.

"Well... You see... There's this one guy that I'm not sure how I feel about. And today I saw him with a girl but the thing is... I don't know what's going on between them, they might be friends. But it's still hurting me to see them together, you know?" He kept nodding, showing that he understood me.

"I see... I think that you should wait. Maybe they're just talking. Maybe she's an old friend or someone he met a long time ago. I mean, I get it that you're jealous, that's totally normal, but still... Just wait."

"Thank you, Genma." I smiled at him.

"Would you like to get a drink with me? I'll pay." He asked.

"You don't mind?" He shaked his head. "Alright, I owe you one though." He laughed.

I never had a good conversation with Genma and I found out that he was really funny and made me laugh so much. He was also able to make me forget about what had happened, well until I look at Kakashi and the girl one last time. What I saw was unpleasing.

She was kissing him.

I frowned. I told Genma I was leaving and he went with me. We just walked around the village in a comfortable silence. When we got to the park, I sat on a bench and put my head on my hands, trying not to cry.

"You know," Genma spoke. "I think that you like him."

"Uh?" I looked at him, surprised.

"Remember? You told me you didn't know how you felt about him. But for you to feel like this, I think it means you like him."

"Makes sense..." I murmured.

"You should ask him who the girl is. He might tell you. If he tells the truth then he cares a lot about you."

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