𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻

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Lucy's pov

I sighed in my mind while I was taking a nice warm bath , I had my head half in the water ; the words natsu said have been replaying in my mind all day.
Ugh! I lifted my head above the water
And hugged my knees , "I hate him.."

" And whom is that you hate? " I screamed as I heard natsu's voice.
" w-what the hell are you doing in here?! y-you pervert!," he simply just chuckled at me. " oh nothing , im just admiring your beautiful body ~ "

" Get out.. " he smirked at me.
" And why should I ? " I glared at him ,
" If you do not wan't capricorn to kick you in your pretty little face then I suggest you get out! " he grunted at me
And just left. Hmp ..


- still lucy's pov -

I put my pouch with my keys in my bag for safety , I don't trust anyone with them.. as I got in the bed I put the covers above me. And fell asleep..

The next day

A yawn escape my lips , I rupped my eye's as I slowly opened them I saw a chest - it was natsu's my eye's widened I tried to move but his arms were holding me tightly. " would you quit moving im trying to sleep. "

" Let me go then ! " he grunted and his grip got tighter , " no.. " it was getting harder to breath from his grip. " c-can't b-breath " his grip got lighter " hmp.. "
I rolled my eye's , his bedroom door opened. "it's time to wake up natsu."

I looked at the person whom came in the bedroom. It was a girl , she had white long hair with shiny blue eye's.
"go away mira .." she walked over towards the curtains and opened them.
" no natsu , your father is coming for a visit and your mother. They'd like to meet your peincess." I stayed silent.

" such at a late notice..that sounds like them." The girl chuckled. "Indeed now let the princess go so I can get her ready for the day." He growled but got out of the bed I sat up and watched him as he wen't into the bathroom. "Come with me i'll show you to the dressing room." I got out of the bed and followed her.

- later that day .. -

As I entered the throne room I saw natsu talking with his parents..his mother spotted me. "Why hello there dear." I walked over towards them..
" Hello.. " his father looked at me and smiled. "So this is your mate hm?"

Huh..? What does he even mean by that , "yes she is.." "wait just a second..are you laylas daughter dear?"
I nodded as she asked me that question. "How is she holding up? I haven't seen her in ages" "you know my mother - ? " she nodded.

"Yes we do , im very close with her."
I was shocked - " thus I haven't seen her in so long..sadly , but how is she? "
" she's alright but she's gotten weaker by the past year " " that's ashame.. "
" Hows wendy and zeref father mother." " There doing well wendy sure does miss you though. " " I'll visit them soon." His mother smiled softly.

"It is nice to see you once more lucy."
I looked at her confused "you .. saw me before?" She nodded and so did natsu's father he started to speak "we would used to come visit your mother and father , we alway's brought natsu with us-" "wait what" I was shook by this..
"Im surprised you don't remember that natsu , you wouldn't wan't to let lucy go when we had to leave."

My eye's widend.."h-he , I-I we're.."
"You we're both close to each other when you we're younger ,it was so adorable." My heart was thumping
Fast .. " we and your parents just knew you both would fall in love one day."

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